7.2 Constant Velocity Vector

In this section, the case of constant velocity vector is analyzed. The relative radial speed is not necessarily constant.

7.2.1 Stationary TX, Moving RX

By specializing (7.34) with

(7.67) equation

with i 1i 2 (without lack of generality) and ||i 1|| = ||i 2|| = 1, we get (Figure 7.5)

(7.68) equation

where the first equality is due to (7.35). RX is moving with constant velocity vector img. The (non-constant) radial speed is

(7.69) equation

and it results that

(7.70) equation

Figure 7.5 Constant velocity vector: TX stationary, RX moving


7.2.2 Moving TX, Stationary RX

By specializing (7.37) with

(7.71) equation

with i 1i 2 (without lack of generality) and ||i 1|| = ||i2|| = 1, we get (Figure 7.6)

(7.72) equation

Figure 7.6 Constant velocity vector: TX moving, RX stationary


From (7.38) we have

(7.73) equation

That is,

(7.74) equation


(7.75) equation

with B2 − 4AC ≥ 0 img since img. Thus,

(7.76) equation

where the solution with “+” sign provides a positive delay D(t). This result is in accordance with (Quinn and Hannan 2001).

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