5.5 Proofs for Section 4.7.1 “Mean-Square Consistency of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram”

In this section, proofs of lemmas and theorems presented in Section 4.7.1 on the mean-square consistency of the frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram are reported.

Lemma 5.5.1 Let W(f) be a.e. continuous and regular as |f|→ ∞, img and img (that is, W can be either WA satisfying Assumption 4.4.5 or WB satisfying Assumption 4.6.2). We have the following results.

a. Let(n)(λ)} be a set of a.e. derivable functions such that, for nm, Ψ(n)(λ) = Ψ(m)(λ) at most in a set of zero Lebesgue measure in img. It results that

(5.70) equation

for almost all λ.
Proof: For n = m, the left-hand side of (5.70) can be written as

(5.71) equation

for almost all λ, provided that ν ≠ 0, where the a.e. continuity of W(f) is accounted for.
For nm, the left-hand side of (5.70) can be written as

(5.72) equation

for ν ≠ 0 and almost all λ, where we used the fact that, for nm, Ψ(n)(λ) = Ψ(m)(λ) at most in a set of zero Lebesgue measure, and W(f) is a.e. continuous and regular as |f|→ ∞.
It can be easily verified that (5.70) holds for almost all λ also for ν = 0.
For those values of λ belonging to the set of zero Lebesgue measure such that Ψ(n)(λ) = Ψ(m)(λ) for m img I0 (with I0 containing n and depending on λ), one obtains

(5.73) equation

These values, however, give no contribution if the function in the lhs of (5.70) is integrated w.r.t. λ.
b. Let Ψ(λ) be a.e. derivable. It results that

(5.74) equation

for almost all λ1 and λ2.
Proof: It is similar to that of item (a) (see also Lemma 5.2.2).
c. Let Ψa(λ), Ψb(λ), and Ψc(λ) be a.e. derivable. It results that

(5.75) equation

for almost all λ1 and λ2.
Proof: By considering the Taylor series expansion for the functions Ψb, Ψa, and Ψc, we have a.e.

(5.76) equation

(5.77) equation

(5.78) equation

respectively. Thus,

(5.79) equation

from which (5.75) easily follows since W(∞) = 0.
d. Let Ψa(λ), Ψb(λ), and Ψd(λ) be a.e. derivable. It results

(5.80) equation

for almost all λ1 and λ2.
Proof: By considering the Taylor series expansion for the functions Ψb, Ψa, and Ψd, we have a.e.

(5.81) equation

(5.82) equation

(5.83) equation

respectively. Thus,

(5.84) equation

from which (5.80) easily follows since W(∞) = 0.
e. Let Ψ4(λ1, λ2, λ3) have a.e. all the partial derivatives. It results

(5.85) equation

for almost all λ1 and λ2, where ∇ is the gradient operator and superscript T denotes transpose.
Proof: By considering the Taylor series expansion of the function Ψ4, one has a.e.

(5.86) equation


(5.87) equation

from which (5.85) easily follows since W(∞) = 0. equation

5.5.1 Proof of Theorem 4.7.5 Asymptotic Expected Value of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram

By substituting (4.103) (with Δf = 1/T) and (4.148) into (4.150), we get

(5.88) equation

where, in the second equality, the variable change ν′ = (λν)T is made. Moreover, here and in the following, for the sake of notation simplicity, we write



(5.89) equation

where, in the derivation of the second equality, Lemma 5.5.1a (with W = WB) is used. Hence, (4.158) is proved.

In (5.89), in the second equality, the limit as T→ ∞ can be interchanged with the sum since the series of functions of T is uniformly convergent by the Weierstrass criterium (Smirnov 1964). In fact, let

(5.90) equation

one has


(5.91) equation

which is finite (and independent of T) due to Assumptions 4.4.3a, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2. In (5.91), the first L-norm is for functions of T and the others for functions of λ and ν′, respectively. Furthermore, the limit as T→ ∞ can be interchanged with the integral operation by the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 4). In fact,

(5.92) equation

with the right-hand side independent of T. In (5.89), in the fourth equality (4.149) is accounted for and in the fifth equality the sampling property of Dirac delta is exploited. Furthermore, in the derivation of (5.89), the a.e. continuity of the functions img and img (Assumptions 4.4.3 a and 4.4.4) is used.

Finally, note that for those values of λ such that there exist m img I0(λ) such that img, the Kronecker delta δnm in the second equality in (5.89) should be substituted by img. However, since these values of λ belong to a set with zero Lebesgue measure (see the remark following Assumption 4.4.2) and the functions img are not impulsive (Assumption 4.4.3a), then these values give zero contribution to the integral.

5.5.2 Proof of Theorem 4.7.6 Rate of Convergence of the Bias of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram

For the sake of notation simplicity, let us put


From (4.150) with (4.151) substituted into we have


(5.93) equation

where, in the third equality (4.103) and (4.107) (both with Δf = 1/T), (4.148) and (4.159) are used; in the fourth equality the order of integrals in is interchanged and then the variable change ν′ = (λν)T is made in the inner integral in (with λ fixed); in the fifth equality the variable change λ′ = (fλ)/Δf is made in the integral in and definition (4.156) of the set img is accounted for.

In (5.93), the interchange of the order of integrals in ′ and ′ can be justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact, let

(5.94) equation

be the integrand function of the two-dimensional integral in (5.93). One has

(5.95) equation

where Assumptions 4.4.3 a (series regularity), 4.4.5 (data-tapering window regularity), and 4.6.2 (frequency-smoothing window regularity) are accounted for.

In the following, for notation simplicity, λ and ν will be used in place of λ′ and ν′.

Let us consider the following Taylor series expansions with Lagrange first-or second-order residual term. These expression, holding a.e., will be substituted into integrals. Consequently, the contribution of those points where expansions do not hold is zero.

  • It results that a.e.
where img with fa img min {f, fν/T}, fb img max {f, fν/T}, the assumption of bounded second-order derivative img is used (Assumptions 4.4.4 and 4.5.4), and Oν(·) denotes “big oh” Landau symbol depending on ν, that is, g(ν, T) = Oν(1/Ta) means g(ν, T) ≤ Kν/Ta as T→ ∞ with Kν depending on ν. Since the second-order derivative img is assumed to be uniformly bounded, then there exists K such that KνK, ∀ν. Thus, when necessary, Oν(1) will be upper bounded by O(1).
where img with fa img min {f, fλΔfν/T}, fb img max {f, fλΔfν/T} and Oν,λ(·) denotes “big oh” Landau symbol depending on ν and λ.
  • Using (5.97) and considering the Taylor series expansion for img, one obtains a.e.
provided that T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with Tf)2 → 0. In the second equality img is appropriately chosen, and in the third equality the uniform boundedness of img (Assumption 4.7.3) is exploited.
  • For mn (img or img), accounting for (5.96) one obtains a.e.
  • For img, according to (4.156), it results that mn and Ψ(m)(f) = Ψ(n)(f). Using (5.99) we have a.e.
provided that T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞ and Tf)2 bounded, and γ is defined in Assumption 4.7.2. In (5.100), it is assumed that

(5.101) equation

That is, in the intersection points, curves have different slopes. Such a condition can be relaxed by assuming that there exists a derivative order p such that in the intersection points curves have equal derivatives up to order p − 1 and different pth-order derivatives.
The term in (5.100) cannot be easily managed in the bias expression. For this reason, the rate of convergence of bias is derived for all values of f such that the set img is empty. That is, in all points f where two or more different curves do not intercept.
  • For img, mn, according to (4.156), it results that Ψ(m)(f) ≠ Ψ(n)(f). Therefore, using (5.99) we have a.e.
provided that T→ ∞ and Δf → 0 with TΔf→ ∞ (more slowly than T), and Tf)2 bounded, where hn,f is defined in (4.157) and γ is defined in Assumption 4.7.2.
  • It results that a.e.
with appropriate img, provided that the first-order derivative img is bounded (Assumption 4.7.4).

By substituting (5.98) and (5.102)(5.103) into (5.93), the bias for every f such that img is empty can be expressed as sum of two terms img and img with the following asymptotic behaviors.


(5.104) equation

where, in the third equality the fact that img and the identity


are used.

Furthermore, accounting for the bound

(5.105) equation

which is easily obtained since

(5.106) equation

and using the Taylor series expansions (5.97)(5.103), the following upper bound is obtained.

(5.107) equation

provided that img and img, p = 1, 2, and img (Assumptions 4.4.5, 4.7.2, 4.6.2, and 4.7.3).

(5.108) equation

One has

(5.109) equation


(5.110) equation

from which (4.160) follows since γ ≥ 1.

5.5.3 Proof of Theorem 4.7.7 Asymptotic Covariance of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram

Let us consider the term img defined in (4.153). Accounting for (4.103), (4.107) (both with Δf = 1/T) and (4.148), it can be written as

(5.111) equation

Let us make the variable changes img and img in the inner integrals in νy1 and νx1 (λ1 and λ2 fixed) and then interchange the order of integrals so that the order is (from the innermost to the outermost) img. Then, let us make the variable change img in the inner integral in λ2 (λ1, img, and img fixed) and then interchange the order of the integrals in λ1 and λ2. Finally, let us make the variable change img to obtain


(5.112) equation


(5.113) equation

where, in the derivation of (5.113), Lemma 5.5.6c (with W = WB, img, img, img, and img) is used. Hence,

(5.114) equation

where Lemmas 5.5.1b (with W = WA) and 5.3.5 are used. From (5.114), (4.162) immediately follows.

The interchange of the order of integrals can be justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact, let img be (TΔf) times the integrand function of the four-dimensional integral in (5.112). One has

(5.115) equation

(with the right-hand side independent of T and Δf), where Assumptions 4.4.3a, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2 have been accounted for. In (5.113), the interchange of the order of limit (as T→ ∞) and sum (over n′ and n′′) operations is justified since the series of functions of T


is uniformly convergent. In fact,

(5.116) equation

where the first L-norm is for functions of T. The right-hand side of (5.116) is bounded due to Assumptions 4.4.3 a, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2. Hence, the Weierstrass criterium (Smirnov 1964) can be applied. Moreover, from (5.115) it follows that (TΔf) times the integrand function in (5.112) is bounded by a summable function not depending on T. Thus, the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 4) can be applied in (5.113) to interchange the order of limit and integral operations. As regards the derivation of (5.114), observe that img is the integrand function of the four-dimensional integral in (5.113). In (5.114), the order of the limit (as Δf → 0) and sum (over n′ and n′′) operations can be interchanged since the series of functions of Δf


is uniformly convergent. In fact, for


where the L-norm is for functions of Δf, the same bound as in (5.116) can be obtained and, hence, the Weierstrass criterium can be applied. Moreover, the function img is bounded by the function in the right-hand side of (5.115) which is summable and independent of Δf. Therefore, the dominated convergence theorem can be applied and the order of limit (as Δf → 0) and integral operations can be interchanged. Furthermore, in the derivation of (5.114), the a.e. continuity of the functions img, img, and img, for z1, z2 img {x, x*, y, y*}, (Assumptions 4.4.3 a and 4.4.4) are used.

Analogously, by considering the term img defined in (4.154) and using Lemma 5.5.1d (with W = WB, img, img, img, and img), it can be shown that

(5.117) equation

from which (4.163) immediately follows.

Let us now consider the term img defined in (4.155). Accounting for (4.103), (4.107) (both with Δf = 1/T), and (4.148), it can be written as

(5.118) equation

Let us make the variable changes img, img, and img in the inner integrals in νy1, νx1, and νy2 (λ1 and λ2 fixed). Then, let us make the variable changes img and img to obtain


(5.119) equation


(5.120) equation

with the rhs bounded (Assumptions 4.4.5 and 4.7.3) and independent of T. Therefore,

(5.121) equation


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