2.5 Sampling of GACS Processes

In this section, the problem of uniformly sampling GACS processes is addressed. Aliasing formulas for second-order cyclic cross-moments are derived. It is shown that uniformly sampling a continuous-time GACS process leads to a discrete-time ACS process. Moreover, it is shown that continuous-time GACS processes do not have a discrete-time counterpart, that is, discrete-time GACS processes do not exist.


(2.172) equation

be the discrete-time processes obtained by uniformly sampling with period Ts = 1/fs the continuous-time (jointly) GACS processes x(t) and y(t).

Definition 2.5.1 The cyclic cross-correlation function of the discrete-time sequences yd(n) and xd(n) at cycle frequency img is defined as

(2.173) equation


The magnitude and phase of img are the amplitude and phase of the finite-strength additive complex sinewave component at frequency img contained in the discrete-time cross-correlation img.

Theorem 2.5.2 (Izzo and Napolitano 2003), (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 4.1). Uniformly sampling continuous-time jointly GACS processes leads to discrete-time jointly ACS processes.

Proof: Let be img, with Aτ defined in (2.32a). Using (2.31b) and (2.31c) we have

(2.174a) equation

(2.174b) equation

(2.174c) equation

(2.174d) equation

where, (2.174d) is obtained observing that for every m the discrete-time almost-periodic function of n in (2.174c) can be expressed by a (generalized) Fourier series expansion with coefficients img, defined in (2.173) and, moreover, let

(2.175) equation

the set

(2.176) equation

is countable. Then, the sum in (2.174d) can be extended either to img or to img. By substituting (2.174c) into (2.173) results in

(2.177) equation

In (2.177), mod b is the modulo b operation with values in [− b/2, b/2), that is,

(2.178) equation

with Mod b being the usual modulo b operation with values in [0, b). Thus, img if img and img if img. img

From (2.174d) it follows that the cross-correlation function of the discrete-time processes yd(n) and xd(n) obtained by uniformly sampling two continuous-time jointly GACS processes y(t) and x(t) is a (discrete-time) almost-periodic function of n that can be expressed by a (generalized) Fourier series with cycle frequencies not depending on the lag parameter m. That is, yd(n) and xd(n) are jointly ACS.

The function img is periodic in img with period 1. It is linked to the cyclic cross-correlation function (2.33) and the generalized cyclic cross-correlation function (2.34)(2.35) of the continuous-time signals y(t) and x(t) by the following result.

Theorem 2.5.3 Aliasing Formula for the Cyclic Cross-Correlation Function (Izzo and Napolitano 2003), (Napolitano 2009, Theorem 4.2). Let yd(n) and xd(n) be the discrete-time processes defined in (2.172). It results that

(2.179a) equation

(2.179b) equation

Proof: See Section 3.8. img

Note that (2.179a) is the generalization to GACS signals of the analogous formula for ACS signals ((1.174) when yx).

In the following, consequences of Theorems 2.5.2 and 2.5.3 are analyzed. Furthermore, difficulties arising in cyclic spectral analysis of a continuous-time GACS process starting from the discrete-time process of its samples are discussed.

The set of cycle frequencies img at lag m, accounting for (2.179a) can be expressed as

(2.180) equation

The set img is countable and can contain cluster points (accumulation points) or be dense in [− 1/2, 1/2) if fs is incommensurate with a countable infinity of cycle frequencies img (e.g., if img and img).

From (2.179a) it follows that, in general, img due to the presence of aliasing in the cycle frequency domain. However, if the jointly GACS continuous-time signals y(t) and x(t) are such that at lag τ = mTs there is no lag-dependent cycle frequency αk(τ), img, such that img for p ≠ 0 then, by comparing (2.179b) with (2.39), it follows that img. Such an equality could be difficult to be realized in the whole domain img (Izzo and Napolitano 2003), as a consequence of the fact that GACS signals have the power spread over an infinite bandwidth (Sections 2.2.2 and 2.2.3), (Izzo and Napolitano 1998a, 2005). Furthermore, in Theorem 2.5.2, it is shown that the discrete-time signal constituted by the samples of a continuous-time GACS signal is a discrete-time ACS signal. Thus, discrete-time ACS signals can arise from sampling ACS and non-ACS continuous-time GACS signals. Moreover, in Section 2.7.6 it is shown that, starting from the sampled signal, the possible ACS or non-ACS nature of the continuous-time GACS signal can only be conjectured, provided that analysis parameters such as sampling period, padding factor, and data-record length are properly chosen. Thus, the results for discrete-time processes cannot be obtained straightforwardly from those of the continuous-time case as it can be made in the stationary case e.g., in (Brillinger and Rosenblatt 1967). In fact, unlike the case of WSS and ACS processes, continuous-time GACS processes do not have a discrete-time counterpart, that is, discrete-time GACS processes do not exist. This is a consequence of the fact that even if the set img can be uncountable, the set img is always countable.

From the above facts it follows that the sampling frequency fs cannot be easily chosen in order to avoid or limit aliasing, as it happens for bandlimited WSS and ACS signals (Napolitano 1995), (Izzo and Napolitano 1996), even if, in some cases, as for the chirp-modulated signal (2.99), analytical results can be obtained (Section 2.7.1). However, in the following it will be shown that the discrete-time cyclic cross-correlogram of the sampled process can be made as close as desired to samples of the continuous-time cyclic cross-correlation function by taking the sampling period sufficiently small and the data-record length sufficiently large.

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