5.4 Proofs for Section 4.6 “The Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram”

In this section, proofs of lemmas and theorems presented in Section 4.6 on bias and covariance of the frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram are reported.

5.4.1 Proof of Theorem 4.6.3 Expected Value of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram

By taking the expected value of the frequency-smoothed cross-periodogram (4.147) we have

(5.60) equation

from which (4.150) immediately follows.

In the third equality (4.106) is used. In the second equality, the interchange of expectation and convolution operations is justified by the Fubini and Tonelli Theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 3). In fact, defined

(5.61) equation

and accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3a, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2, for the integrand function in (5.60) we have

(5.62) equation

The interchange of sum and integral operations to obtain (4.150) from (5.60) is justified even if the set img is not finite by using the dominated convergence theorem (Champeney 1990, Chapter 4). Specifically, by denoting with img an increasing sequence of finite subsets of img such that img, we have

(5.63) equation

In fact, it results that

(5.64) equation

with the right-hand side bounded by the right-hand side of (5.62). That is, the integrand function in the second term of equality (5.63) is bounded by a summable function of (λ1, ν1) not depending on k. equation

5.4.2 Proof of Theorem 4.6.4 Covariance of the Frequency-Smoothed Cross-Periodogram

By setting


into (4.108) (with Δf = 1/T) we have (multilinearity property of cumulants (Mendel 1991))

(5.65) equation

where img, img, and img are defined in (4.153), (4.154), and (4.155), respectively.

The interchange of cov{ · , · } and convolution operations img and img can be justified by the Fubini and Tonelli theorem. In fact, defined

(5.66) equation

and accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3a, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2, for the integrand function in (4.153) one obtains

(5.67) equation

An analogous result can be found for the integrand function in (4.154). Furthermore, defined the function

(5.68) equation

and accounting for Assumptions 4.4.3b, 4.4.5, and 4.6.2, for the integrand function in (4.155) one obtains

(5.69) equation

Finally, note that by using the dominated convergence theorem as in the proof of Theorem 4.6.3, it can be shown that in (4.153)(4.155) the order of integral and sum operations can be interchanged. equation

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