3.11 Proofs for Section 2.6.3 “Asymptotic Results as N→ ∞ and Ts → 0′′

3.11.1 Proof of Lemma 2.6.12

Condition (2.209) holding uniformly w.r.t. τ assures that Assumption 2.6.11 is verified. The numbers Mp, possibly depending on img, are independent of Ts. Under Assumption 2.6.11, the Weierstrass M-test (Johnsonbaugh and Pfaffenberger 2002, Theorem 62.6) assures the uniform convergence of the series of functions of Ts


Therefore, the limit operation can be interchanged with the infinite sum

(3.207) equation

where, in the second equality the sufficient condition (2.209) for Assumption 2.6.11 is used.

3.11.2 Proof of Theorem 2.6.13 Mean-Square Consistency of the Discrete-Time Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

From Lemma 2.6.12 we have

(3.208) equation

(not necessarily uniformly with respect to img and m).

From Theorems 2.6.4 and 2.6.5 it follows that, for every fixed Ts, img, and m,

(3.209) equation

that is,

(3.210) equation

Therefore, for img and img we have

(3.211) equation

with img1 and img2 arbitrarily small. Note that the limit is not necessarily uniform in img.

Equation (3.209) holds for fixed (and finite) Ts > 0. Therefore, in (2.211) we have that first N→ ∞ and then Ts → 0. This order of the two limits is in agreement with the result of (Dehay 2007) where Ts = N−δ with 0 < δ < 1.

3.11.3 Noninteger Time-Shift

Let us consider a discrete-time signal x(n) with Fourier transform X(ν).

(3.212) equation

Definition 3.11.1 The time-shifted version of x(n) with noninteger time-shift μ is defined as

(3.213) equation


Fact 3.11.2 If x(n) is a finite N-length sequence defined for n img {0, 1, ..., N − 1}, the time-shifted version of x(n) with noninteger time-shift μ, can be expressed by the exact interpolation formula

(3.214) equation

In (3.214),

(3.215) equation

is the discrete Fourier transform (DFT) of x(n) and

(3.216a) equation

(3.216b) equation

with img referred to as Dirichlet kernel. According to Definition 3.11.1, we have

(3.217) equation

Alternatively, the time-shifted version of x(n) with noninteger time-shift μ, can be expressed by the exact interpolation formula

(3.218) equation


3.11.4 Proof of Theorem 2.6.16 Asymptotic Expected Value of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

Use a simple modification of Lemma 2.6.12 with mTs replaced by τ and then use (2.217a)

3.11.5 Proof of Theorem 2.6.17 Rate of Convergence of the Bias of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

Let us consider the set

(3.219) equation

defined in (2.222). Since img is assumed to be finite and the functions αk(τ) are bounded for finite τ, the sampling period Ts can be chosen sufficiently small such that

(3.220) equation

that is, mod fs is not necessary in the definition (3.219). Moreover, if img, then αk(τ) ≠ α. Thus, for Ts sufficiently small (depending on α and τ) the result is that

(3.221) equation

In addition, since img is finite, for Ts sufficiently small (α − αk(τ))Ts = 0 only if α = αk(τ). Therefore, for Ts sufficiently small (depending on α and τ) we have

(3.222) equation

finite set not depending on Ts. Consequently,

(3.223) equation

Since for Ts small we have that img finite set independent of Ts, with regard to the quantity img defined in (2.223), for Ts small we have

(3.224) equation

where in the second equality inf is substituted by min since img (and also img) is finite, and the third equality holds for Ts sufficiently small (depending on α and τ) such that (3.221) holds. Therefore,

(3.225) equation

provided that the functions αk(τ) are bounded for finite τ. In the second equality, lim and min operations can be interchanged since min is over a finite set not depending on Ts (in general, lim and inf operations cannot be inverted if inf is over an infinite set). In addition,

(3.226) equation

Let us define for notation simplicity


It results that

(3.227) equation

Under the assumption of finite img, Assumption 2.6.11 is verified and the thesis of Lemma 2.6.12 is also verified since in the right-hand side of

(3.228) equation

the sum is identically zero for Ts sufficiently small (depending on τ), that is, for fs sufficiently large so that, for fixed τ,

(3.229) equation

where the maximum exists since the number of lag-dependent cycle frequencies is finite and each function αk(τ) is assumed to be bounded for finite τ.

From the counterpart for the H-CCC of Theorem 2.6.7, it follows that (see (3.199))

(3.230) equation

where img and

(3.231) equation

Consequently, from (3.226), (3.227), and (3.230), we have

(3.232) equation

where img and the order of the two limits cannot be inverted.

3.11.6 Proof of Theorem 2.6.18 Asymptotic Covariance of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlogram

Let us consider the limit

(3.233) equation

where img, img, and img are defined in (2.196), (2.197), and (2.198), respectively, with the replacements img and img.

As regards the term img, we have

(3.234) equation

with the right-hand side coincident with img defined in (2.147). In (3.234), we used the fact that if αk(τ) are bounded and img and img are finite sets, for Ts sufficiently small, one has

(3.235) equation

In addition, the integrand function has been assumed to be Riemann integrable.

Note that the right-hand side of (3.234) can be nonzero only if img in a set of values of s with positive Lebesgue measure.

Analogous results hold for terms img, and img.

3.11.7 Proof of Lemma 2.6.19 Rate of Convergence to Zero of Cumulants of Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlograms

From (3.203) it follows that

(3.236) equation

where the sums over ri, i = 1, ..., k − 1, and n in the second term range over sets {ri,min, ..., ri,max} and {nmin, ..., nmax} with extremes ri,min, ri,max, nmin, nmax depending on N and such that, as N→ ∞, ri,min and nmin approach −∞ and ri,max and nmax approach +∞.

The rhs of (3.236) does not depend on img, mi. Therefore, the same inequality holds by replacing in the lhs img with img and we also have

(3.237) equation

Thus, for k img 2 and img > 0, we obtain (2.230), where the order of the two limits cannot be interchanged (that is, NTs→ ∞).

Note that the (k − 1)-dimensional Riemann sum in the second line converges to the (k − 1)-dimensional Riemann integral in the third line if the Riemann-integrable function ϕ is sufficiently regular. In fact, the limit as Ts → 0 of the infinite sum in the second line is not exactly the definition of a Riemann integral over an infinite (k − 1)-dimensional interval. However, the function ϕ in Assumption 2.6.8 can always be chosen such that this Riemann integral exists.


3.11.8 Proof of Theorem 2.6.20 Asymptotic Joint Normality of the Hybrid Cyclic Cross-Correlograms

By following the guidelines of the proof of Theorem 2.6.10, let

(3.238) equation

From Theorem 2.6.17 holding for γ > 1 (or γ = 1 if a(t) = rect(t)), we have

(3.239) equation

From Theorem 2.6.18, we have that


is finite. From Theorem 3.13.3, we have that


is finite. From Lemma 2.6.19 with img and k img 3, we have

(3.240) equation

Thus, according to the results of Section 1.4.2, for every fixed αi, τi, n0i the random variables img, i = 1, ..., k, are asymptotically (N→ ∞ and Ts → 0 with NTs→ ∞) zero-mean jointly complex Normal (Picinbono 1996; van den Bos 1995).

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