
The paper backing from painted or printed fusible web has a beautiful dreamy look. We like to leverage this and, of course, scan it or copy it, and then use it again and again. No one will guess what you have used unless, of course, they read this book.


In Image Transfer Workshop we showed you the awesome capabilities of fusible web. This demo offers a way to use the backing paper that comes with fusible web. You keep the paper on the web when you are painting or stamping, or you can use an inkjet printer to print on to it. (Never put fusible web in a laser printer!) After you have printed or painted onto your fusible web, use the backing paper as a collage element. You’ll need to spray it with a workable fixative to keep the ink from running. Use it without spraying to achieve a watery look.

Above is a piece of fusible web with its backing paper attached. The web has been painted with different types of paint. The photo in the center shows the webbing separated from its backing paper. The photo to the right shows a photocopy of the backing paper.


Sandra Duran Wilson

Painted fusible web (blue) is ironed onto a painted surface and the leftover backing paper (orange) from another piece of web is glued onto the surface.


Step 1

Make a laser or toner copy of the fusible web backing paper (never put fusible web into a laser printer). You can use this copy for a gel transfer.

Step 2

Put some soft gel gloss onto the surface you are going to transfer to. While the gel is wet, place the image face down and rub all over to assure adequate adhesion. Be careful not to get gel on the back of the transfer.

Step 3

Allow gel to dry overnight. Then remove the paper backing by misting with water and rubbing off the paper. A piece of brown craft paper is especially helpful in removing the last bits of the paper backing.


Sandra Duran Wilson


If you still have a bit of paper residue on your transfer, use a damp brush with polymer medium to coat the surface. When dry, this will make the residue more transparent.

For a full photographic step-by-step demonstration of a gel transfer visit createmixedmedia.com/mixed-media-revolution.

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