Disposable Art

This is one of the best tips we can give you: Keep a canvas, board or watercolor paper around your studio and consider it your throwaway piece. When you have way too much paint left over and you won’t be able to save it, don’t throw it away and never put it down your sink. Instead, paint it on your throwaway piece. Perhaps you have lots of paint left over on your stencil. Clean it off on your throwaway piece. Stamps inked up? Stamp the excess paint on your throwaway piece. Left over mediums or gels? Throwaway piece. Before you know it you have a great start for another painting without having to think about it.

Because you are not overly attached to it and are not analyzing every stroke, you could end up with the beginning of a masterpiece. This is a great practice to help loosen up your style.

Using up leftover paint adds layers to a throwaway piece.

Applying leftover gel to a throwaway piece adds texture.

More Ideas

•  Use vegetable skins or the bottom of cut celery to stamp interesting texture onto your art.

•  Use discarded coffee grounds as a stain to age paper.

•  Kitchen sponges can find a second life in the studio before they are tossed for good.

•  Used dryer sheets make great collage papers.

•  Styrofoam containers make great stamps, and don’tget us started on packing materials!

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