Find Your Opposite

This is the yin and yang of creating. Collage artist Robert Rauschenberg was a pro at incorporating both realistic and expressionistic elements into the same painting. When your painting is tight, you may want to compose an area of looseness to give it an element of surprise. For example, if you are a realistic painter and most of your painting has details that are similarly developed, you may want to incorporate a less defined portion. If you are an expressionistic painter, a bit of realism will give your work an unexpected pop.


If you already work in a loose and gestural style, consider adding a bit of realism. You can do this even if you do not draw well. Use an image transfer, such as a gel transfer, or print something from your computer and collage it into your painting. Try adding realistic shadows into an otherwise abstract painting.


Sandra Duran Wilson

The background consists of loose abstract gestures and textures.I added realistic elements to create a tighter composition.


Perhaps you would love to try some gestural element in your otherwise tight painting. Think Rauschenberg; look up some of his work or add wonderful gestural, expressionistic movements to your painting by throwing paint at the surface, crackling or scribbling. If you are not ready for such a drastic combination, try loosening up some of your imagery. Leave out details and work with block shapes. It is amazing how much can be said with so little. Back up to view your art from a distance as it will change drastically with space.


Darlene Olivia McElroy

Create a crackle finish: For this piece, I spread white glue down the left and right sides. While the glue was still wet, I painted over it with a sage green acrylic paint. When the paint dries, it crackles, giving the piece a softer and older look.

For a step-by-step demonstration of the Get Loose technique visit

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