Everything Else

Leveraging your art can lead you down new paths and to new adventures. So far, you’ve learned everything from how to use your leftovers to techniques to help you conquer your fears. This last chapter includes several other innovative ideas to get your work moving in new directions. What happens when you have reached an impasse with a painting? Do you put it in the closet or bury it in the garage or basement? You’ll find several ways to get beyond being stuck or feeling like your piece is a lost cause. And often our artist friends see the potential in a piece with fresh eyes and can lead us in a new direction. Or perhaps your piece is meant to have another life as a mouse pad, cell phone cover or greeting card. In this chapter, you’ll learn how to extend the shelf life of your experimental work and how to experiment with different substrates, like aluminum foil, plastic and clay. Listen to your art and it might just tell you where it would like to go. Perhaps a new medium or style is calling you. Listen and dare to dream big!


Darlene Olivia McElroy

Featured Technique: Don’t Mulch—Glue It

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