Play It Again

Do you have an old piece of art that may not reflect your current style, or maybe it was an exercise, or an old canvas you found at a secondhand store? Give it new life by cutting it up and adding it to one of your paintings.

Step 1

Maybe there is a part of the work that you love. Cut out that part and use it in a new project.

Step 2

Glue such pieces onto your new surface using acrylic medium. Voila! You have just recycled!


•  Secondhand stores are great places for finding inexpensive paintings. Create a series with cut-up velvet paintings or some similar funky style.

•  You can get paintings online or at flea markets for cheap. Use them as a background to reuse and rework.

•  We all have old paintings we can give away or just don’t want. Try trading with friends, and use parts of their paintings to enhance your new creations. You may want to apply gesso over parts and paint over seams to incorporate both paintings into one.

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