Pass It On

We both belong to a critique group. Participation is not only great fun but very helpful in growing as an artist. Six of us are in the group, and each of us has a different style and uses different media. We use oil, acrylic and collage. We have passed around a painting that each of us is contributing to and it sparks lots of new ideas. Try this with a friend or two, or just pass it on.

TECHNIQUE: Round Robin

Get together a group of artist friends and have each start with a painting that isn’t quite working. Pass each piece around the group with each person adding something to the piece (this is commonly known as a round robin). Yes, it does require giving up control of your original concept. If you all participate in this round robin, with each putting in a piece of work, everyone comes out with something unique. You only need a couple of rules:

•  Begin with the acrylic painters and collage artists and finish with the oil painters.

•  Each artist’s work must appear somewhere in the finished piece.

•  No one covers the whole piece.

•  You can do this with a painting, collage or sculpture or any combination of the three.

More Ideas

•  Pass It On: Do you know an art student who’s low on supplies? Pass on your used art supplies, old canvases and paper, and plant the seeds for a budding new artist.

•  Donate It: A wonderful fund-raising event in Santa Fe encouraged artists and others to donate new and used art supplies, paintings and other miscellaneous items. It was the best of secondhand sales and a great social event as well.


Bonnie Teitelbaum—acrylic base

Sandra Duran Wilson—acrylic crackle

Darlene Olivia McElroy—collage, waterslide decal and stencil

Pat Forbes—metallic paint swirls

Mary Parkes— oil (Mary painted the frog)

Pamela Frankel Fielder—oil (Pamela painted the hand)

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