Tango for Two

Art is a song of color; you are the conductor and the paint is the orchestra. Create to your favorite music or try intuitive painting using various genres of music. Play your favorite music to get in the mood to do the creative dance with your art.


Color and music are beautiful dance partners.

Try this: Pour paint on a plastic tarp and dance on the paint with old socks. Depending on the socks you can get some amazing texture. The amount of paint you use will make a difference as to whether you get a blend or texture. When the paint is dry, you can use the plastic for a Crazy Easy Transfer painting.

You could also dance directly onto fabric or canvas, but first put down plastic so the paint doesn’t seep through the fabric to the floor. (FYI, this is a great way to use up leftover house paints.)


Put plastic bags on your feet first, then put on the socks.

To view a video of the Dance on It technique visit createmixedmedia.com/mixed-media-revolution.

TECHNIQUE TWO: Crazy Easy Transfer

Crazy Easy Transfer painting is a hybrid. It’s kind of like monoprinting meets stamping with a painterly twist. This technique is wonderful for putting gesture, color, drips and runs exactly where you want them. This is a great technique for planning or altering a painting.

Step 1

Arrange your composition by laying the painted plastic paint side down on your surface.

Step 2

Cut out plastic pieces to fit your composition and surface.

Step 3

Paint your surface with gel or medium. (I’ve tinted this medium blue so that it will serve as a unifying element.)

Step 4

Lay the plastic over the surface paint side down and press firmly to adhere. Let dry.

Step 5

Once dry, peel back the plastic to reveal the transfer.

Step 6

This finished piece will serve as a great background.

TECHNIQUE THREE: Discover the Beat

Assemble an orchestra of black paper and pastels. Put together a varied play list ranging from meditative sounds to salsa and rock. You can close your eyes and feel the beat of the music. Take your time and begin to paint the sounds using the pastels on the black paper. When the music changes, grab another piece of paper and begin again.


Sandra Duran Wilson

This piece was created while I listened to Bold As Love by Jimi Hendrix, from the album Axis.

TECHNIQUE FOUR: Be a Conductor

Get your canvas ready, load your brushes with paint and conduct the music. Throw the paint to a heady beat. Pollack you are.

TECHNIQUE FIVE: Turn the Beat Around

Dance around your easel and, with every spin, make a stroke on the canvas with your brush. If you are brave like I know you are, close your eyes as you do it.

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