Size Makes a Difference

Yes, size can make a difference. Technology allows us to be like Alice in Wonderland, growing larger than life or seeing things microscopically. What fun we can have with the technology today! My mind spins thinking about what will be possible in the near future; maybe we will create art in a virtual reality. That will be nice, but let’s get back to the present. Here are a few ideas to get you growing your next artwork.


We’ve all seen the tiny dog straining at its leash to show the big dog who’s boss. These little pups have large personalities. Do you have a small piece with the personality of a large painting? With today’s technology, you can enlarge even miniature paintings to almost any size, depending on the quality of the photography. You can then have it printed onto canvas, watercolor paper, metal or Plexiglas. A fun way to test how your painting would look at a larger scale is to take a page from an architectural/interior decorating magazine and place an image of your painting on the page.

Imagine the impact this painting might have if it were copied and printed to enormous proportions—it could easily become the focal point of an entire room. And how would you feel about this same piece if several very small copies of it were grouped together? Told you, size does matter!


Darlene Olivia McElroy


Instead of one piece, create a trio or quartet of paintings that not only take up more wall space but are sold together. Try attaching several paintings together for a larger configuration.

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