Recycle, Reuse

Be green: Reuse and recycle everything you can!

Mixed-media artists are the original green artists. Nothing goes to waste. How often have you picked up something off the street—like a used Metro ticket—and ended up pasting into your art? How many times has the paper towel you used to wipe your brush become a collage element? Lots, I bet.

The pack rat in us saves labels, paper scraps, rusty bottle caps, used transparency transfers and old works of art in anticipation of the day that this bit of ephemera will become the perfect addition to the next art project. You can honor the stories, and all those who have touched these objects, by incorporating such things into your art, and you can save space in the landfills by recycling your leftovers.


Darlene Olivia McElroy

Featured Technique: Play It Again

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