About Sandra Duran Wilson

Sandra Duran Wilson is influenced by scientific concepts, the dream state and the nature of materials. She loves to experiment and push the limits of paints, mediums and surfaces. She enjoys the tactile aspect of paint and what it can do, and she has always been an inventor of new ways to use existing tools and materials. She loves to paint ideas; to make them visible, beautiful and abstract so that others may enter them and create their own reality. She lives and creates in Santa Fe, New Mexico, with Mark, her husband and collaborator, and a bevy of feline friends.


To my mom, Betty, who has always believed in me. For Mark, my soul completion, and to my grandparents, who taught me early in life how to make use of everything I am given.


Thank you to Tonia Davenport for getting this book on board and always supporting our ideas and projects. Tonia helped us to shape this book into its current form from our early concepts; Kristy Conlin, our fabulously talented and fun editor; Christine Polomsky, our gifted photographer, you always make us look good and laugh through all the work. To all the F+W team, thank you for the wonderful work that you do. You are all such talented folks.

We would like to thank our fellow artists, our critique group, art collectors and, of course, all of our students who keep us looking for more fun things to write about.

For easy-to-use links to Sandra’s website, Facebook page and more visit createmixedmedia.com/mixed-media-revolution.

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