Saving State with User Preferences

In many instances, you may need to persistently store small amounts of personalization information for a user. One of the features available within the OpenSocial gadgets JavaScript libraries provides a facility to help you do just that.

To integrate this feature, you need to take a few steps:

  1. Within the ModulePrefs node of the gadget spec file, add a Require element including setprefs to enable the flash JavaScript library.

    • Include: <Require feature="setprefs"/>

  2. Add a UserPref node with the value matching the user preference element you wish to persistently store.

  3. When you wish to set a new user preference, you will need to call the set() method of the gadgets.Prefs object.

    • Method call: set(...);

There are several methods available that provide user preference getting and setting abilities, listed in Table 4-3.

Table 4-3. User preference methods




Allows you to set the persistent state of a user preference variable. Parameters include:

Variable name (string)

The name of the UserPref variable to set for the current user

Value (mixed)

The value of the UserPref variable


Obtains a UserPref string. Parameters include:

Variable name (string)

The name of the UserPref variable to get for the current user


Obtains a UserPref integer. Parameters are the same as the getString method.


Obtains a UserPref Boolean. Parameters are the same as the getString method.

      <Require feature="setprefs" />
   <UserPref name="count" default_value="0" datatype="hidden" />
   <Content view="canvas">
      <div id="myNum">0</div>
      <button onclick="increment();">Add 1</button>
      <button onclick="decrement();">Subtract 1</button>

      <script type="text/javascript">
      var outputContainer = document.getElementById('myNum'),
      //set prefs variable
      var prefs = new gadgets.Prefs();

      function increment(){
         //capture current UserPref value
         var count = prefs.getInt("count");

         //set new user pref and increment counter
         prefs.set("count", count + 1);
         outputContainer.innerHTML = count + 1;

      function decrement(){
         //capture current UserPref value
         var count = prefs.getInt("count");

         //set new user pref and decrement counter
         prefs.set("count", count - 1);
         outputContainer.innerHTML = count - 1;

The preceding example demonstrates the process by which you get and set user preference variables. We create buttons to call our increment and decrement functions and, once hit, each function captures the current user preference count variable and either increments or decrements it.

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