Distributing data with Apache HDFS

One of the best features of Hadoop is the Hadoop Distributed File System. This creates a network of computers that automatically synchronize their data, making our input data available to all the computers. Not having to worry about how the data gets distributed makes our lives much easier.

For this recipe, we'll put a file into HDFS and read it back out using Cascalog, line by line.

Getting ready

The previous recipes in this chapter used the version of Hadoop that Leiningen downloaded as one of Cascalog's dependencies. For this recipe, however, we'll need to have Hadoop installed and running separately. Go to http://hadoop.apache.org/ and download and install it. You might also be able to use your operating system's package manager. Alternatively, Cloudera has a VM with a 1-node Hadoop cluster that you can download and use (https://ccp.cloudera.com/display/SUPPORT/CDH+Downloads#CDHDownloads-CDH4PackagesandDownloads).

You'll still need to configure everything. Take a look at the Hadoop website for the Getting Started documentation of your version. Get a single node setup working.

Once it's installed and configured, go ahead and start the servers. There's a script in the bin directory to do this:

$ ./bin/start-dfsdfs.sh

We still need to have everything working with Clojure, however. For this, we just use the same dependencies and references as we did in the Initializing Cascalog and Hadoop for distributed processing recipe. However, this time, don't worry about the REPL. We'll take care of that separately.

For data, we'll use a dataset of the U.S. domestic flights from 1990–2009. You can download this dataset yourself from Infochimps at http://www.ericrochester.com/clj-data-analysis/data/flights_with_colnames.csv.gz. I've unzipped it into the data directory.

How to do it…

For this recipe, we'll insert a file into the distributed file system, run the Clojure REPL inside Hadoop, and read the data back out.

  1. First, the data file must be in HDFS. We'll use the data/16285/flights_with_colnames.csv file. We can insert it into HDFS with this command:
    $ hadoop fs -put 
  2. Now, in order to run our code in the Hadoop environment, we have to use the hadoop command on a JAR file created from our project. Create an empty namespace to give the JAR file a little content. For example, I created a file named src/distrib_data/cascalog_setup.clj with this content:
    (ns distrib-data.cascalog-setup
      (:require [cascalog.logic.ops :as c]
                [clojure.string :as string])
      (:use cascalog.api))
  3. Once this is in place, we create a JAR file containing this file and all of its dependencies:
    $ lein uberjar
    Created /Users/err8n/p/cljbook/distrib-data/target/distrib-data-0.1.0.jar
    Created /Users/err8n/p/cljbook/distrib-data/target/distrib-data-0.1.0-standalone.jarjar


    If you're using Windows, Mac, or another OS with a case-insensitive filesystem, you'll need to remove the LICENSE file, because it will clash with a license directory. To do this, you can use this command:

    $ zip -d target/distrib-data-0.1.0-standalone.jar 
    deleting: META-INF/LICENSE
  4. Now, we can start the Clojure REPL from within the Hadoop-controlled grid of computers, using the hadoop command on the JAR file we just created:
    $ hadoop jar target/distrib-data-0.1.0-standalone.jar
    Clojure 1.66.0
  5. Inside the REPL that just started, we need to import the libraries that we're going to use:
    user=> (require '[clojure.string :as string]
             '[cascalog.logic.ops :as c])
    user=> (use 'cascalog.api)
  6. Finally, once this is in place, we can execute the Cascalog query to read the companions.txt file:
    user=> (?<- (stdout) [?line]
     ((hfs-textline "hdfs:///user/err8n/flights_with_colnames.csv")
     :> ?line))

How it works…

There are several moving parts to this recipe. The primary one is Hadoop. It has its own configuration, environment variables, and libraries that the process executing the Cascalog queries must access. The easiest way to manage this is to run everything through the hadoop command, so that's what we did.

The hadoop command has an fs task, which provides access to a whole range of operations to work with HDFS. In this case, we used its –put option to move a data file into HDFS.

Once there, we can refer to the file using the hdfs: URI scheme. Hadoop knows how to find these URIs.

In the Cascalog query, hfs-textline reads the file line by line. We use the :> operator to bind each line to the ?line name, which is returned as the output of the query.

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