Chapter 3. Working with Ceph Object Storage

In this chapter, we will cover the following recipes:

  • Understanding Ceph object storage
  • RADOS Gateway standard setup, installation, and configuration
  • Creating the radosgw user
  • Accessing Ceph object storage using the S3 API
  • Accessing Ceph object storage using the Swift API
  • Integrating RADOS Gateway with OpenStack Keystone
  • Configuring Ceph Federated Gateways
  • Testing radosgw federated configuration
  • Building the file sync and share services using the RADOS Gateway


Object-based storage has been getting a lot of industry attention as organizations are looking for flexibility for their enormous data. Object storage is an approach to store data in the form of objects rather than traditional files and blocks, and each object stores data, metadata, and a unique identifier. In this chapter, we will understand the object storage part of Ceph and gain practical knowledge by configuring the Ceph RADOS Gateway.

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