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  • Understand how all the systems fit together to form a larger whole
  • Set up and familiarize yourself with all the tools you need to be efficient with DevOps
  • Design an application that is suitable for continuous deployment systems with Devops in mind
  • Store and manage your code effectively using different options such as Git, Gerrit, and Gitlab
  • Configure a job to build a sample CRUD application
  • Test the code using automated regression testing with Jenkins Selenium
  • Deploy your code using tools such as Puppet, Ansible, Palletops, Chef, and Vagrant
  • Monitor the health of your code with Nagios, Munin, and Graphite
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  • Plan and set up a new JIRA 7 instance from scratch for production use
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  • Understand issues and work with them
  • Design both system and custom fields to behave differently under different contexts
  • Create and design your own screens and apply them to different project and issue types
  • Gain an understanding of the workflow and its various components
  • Set up both incoming and outgoing mail servers to work with e-mails
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