Coach – giving feedback

Being able to give and receive feedback well is a fundamental first step to solving some of the problems of the Storming phase. This will allow the team to share any potential issues before things boil over. 

In the Conflict Dynamics model of the world, we can see that expressing emotions is vital to having an active, constructive conversation. One approach to feedback that incorporates the expression of feelings is described by Kristen Hadeed, in her book Permission to Screw Up, and is called the FBI.

FBI is an acronym, which stands for Feelings Behaviors Impacts. With an FBI, we construct feedback in the following form: 

This is a simple way of giving direct feedback that enables the person giving the feedback to express how they feel, explain the behavior that caused the feeling and the impact that the behavior had.

The person who you're giving the feedback to will be able to understand why you might be feeling that way. If you're upset, it will provide them with an opportunity to apologize (if necessary), to explain why and it will hopefully lead to a resolution to prevent it from happening again.

Constructive feedback is an essential aspect of helping us all improve but is not something we often practice and are therefore not comfortable with doing. When we get comfortable with both receiving and giving feedback it opens up opportunities for performance improvements that will be rewarding for all involved.

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