User Happiness Index

"How satisfied are our users?" is a question we need to ask ourselves often. It is one measurement we can use to determine if we're delivering useful software.

There are many ways to foster engagement with the people for whom we're building software. Here are a few suggestions:

For direct feedback we could:

  • Ask for star ratings and comments, similar in concept to the Apple and Google app store rating systems. We could ask for these via our product, or via a link sent in a message or email. 
  • Observe our user while they use our software. We could ask them to describe what they are currently doing so we can hear the process they have to go through.
  • Survey a group; for example, each time we release new feature we could wait for a while to ensure uptake and then poll customers to gauge their impressions.
  • Carry out business and customer surveys in person, if possible. This is an excellent way for us to assess the satisfaction of our client.
  • Capture feedback from our customers using a tool such as UserVoice.

For indirect feedback we can:

  • Look at all calls that have gone to the service desk regarding our software (number and nature)
  • Use analytics to find out the level of engagement our user group has with particular features
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