The importance of User Experience (UX)

Along with our Product Owner, our User Experience (UX) specialists are usually the first people to engage directly with our key stakeholders to determine what is wanted.

The job of our UX professionals is to help our team turn what our customer wants into something our customer needs. If the customer needs aren't obvious, a UXer has tools in their toolbox which can be used elicit further information.

Their toolset includes creating wireframes, or semi-interactive prototypes using tools such as InVision, or full mockups using HTML/CSS and JavaScript. Each gives an experience close to the real thing and helps our customers share and understands their vision.

The UX professional, working closely with the Product Owner, is responsible for two aspects:

  • What is required?
  • How it will work best
UX covers all aspects of the user interface design. It can be broadly summed up as interaction design and graphic design with a smattering of psychology, but that is just the tip of the iceberg. Although both roles overlap to a certain degree, user interaction design often concerns itself with user interactions and the process flow within the product. Graphic design concerns itself with presentation, particularly information hierarchy, typography, and color.

A UX specialist has to have a good ear, patience, and be willing to go through multiple iterations to get feedback. 

If we're to create software that is intuitive and straightforward to use, we have to start with the UX because it drives how we build the application. Different UXs will result in different application architectures. We create software for people; we need to get feedback from these people about whether we're building the right thing as soon as possible

Remember, it's not sufficient to just make software how we think it should work. Instead, we need to turn what the customer wants into something the customer needs.

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