Defining success metrics

The final step in defining success is to look at our success metrics. These are how we measure whether or not we are moving in the right direction with each iteration. These are typically defined by our Product Owner and shared with the team for refinement. There are several ways of setting success metrics up.

In Chapter 9, How Seeking Value in User Requirements Will Help You Deliver Better Software Sooner, we'll discuss the following approaches:

  • Hypothesis-Driven Development: An approach that allows us to take a scientific approach to delivering value. 
  • Objectives and Key Results (OKRs): Many companies use OKRs, including Intel Corp, where they originated.
  • Data Insights Beliefs and Bets (DIBBs): Used by Spotify. One of their coaches, Henrik Kniberg, blogged about this at

Whichever approach is used, we need to make sure our metrics are easily quantifiable and are moving us in a direction that adds value—remember, what we measure is what we get.

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