Continuous Delivery

Continuous Delivery (CD) is an extension of our CI practice and involves setting up push-button deployment processes so that our software can be deployed on request to the production environment. This requires an extra level of discipline on top of CI and means we will need to ensure the following:

  • Our software is always kept in a deployable state.
  • Our software's environment configuration is automated, which means we can deploy to any environment on-demand.
  • It often requires our software's deployment to be outage-less, meaning that new features are delivered seamlessly to our customer. 
  • A deployment pipeline is set up which automatically ensures various steps are taken during each deployment. 
  • Our team takes ownership and responsibility for the deployment and management of their software in the production environment. This means they are no longer reliant on another team and don't have to wait in line.
  • Setting up a Continuous Delivery process requires close collaboration between our development and operations teams. The cross-pollination of skillsets creates more understanding and ownership of our product in its operational environment within both teams. This is often referred to as a DevOps culture
  • This level of automation often involves problem detection during deployment; if any issues are detected, the deployment can be stopped and rolled back immediately. This introduces resilience into our release process.
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