Feeling recognized 

A little bit of care for our team goes a long way and knowing our people is the first step. If we understand their background, their skills, and where they want to head with their career, we can help them optimize their contribution and their feeling of success. A win-win for both parties.

This could be as simple as:

  1. Welcoming people when they start, announcing their arrival. Introduce them to the broader group individually or perhaps hold a morning tea or some other informal gathering. Share some background about them with the group and explain what their role will be. 
  2. Meeting regularly with our people to hear their views and find out if they have any problems.
  3. Making ourselves available to talk with people, walk the floor, or sit with them in their team area—show an interest in what they're doing.

There is a mix of the formal and the informal needed to make people feel comfortable. For our people to share how they feel with us we need to build trust and act authentically, that is, care. For instance, explain to our people why we meet regularly one-on-one with them: "It's to understand how you're doing and how we can support and help you grow as an individual."

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