Experiment – Creating informal networks as a nervous system

Encourage individuals and teams to create a network to connect them with others outside of their usual group. They can ask for introductions to those who they want to form a working relationship with, or they may be just interested to find out more about what that person or team does.

Premise: Helping our team to form a network will not only give them the context of the wider organization, it will give them contacts who will help them find the information they need.

Model: Foster a network that connects people with others from both inside and outside their team. The simplest format for individuals to meet each other is through one-on-ones. If it's team to team, organize a team meet and greet. 

Teach: There are several formats; if in the same location, go for a coffee. If it's a nice day, go for a walking meeting (walking meetings work well in my experience; the sense of moving forward is both literal and metaphorical). If in different locations, use a virtual format—each person/team grabs a coffee and shares a video call in a meeting room or from a computer.

Support: As people leads, we're more likely to have wide-ranging connections, so we can help them discover who to talk to as they start to form their network.

For example, as an Agile coach in my current organization, I have fortnightly one-on-ones with my people lead, each of my fellow coaches, our head of UX, three of our product managers, three team members that I coach, and the eight people that I provide people leadership for.

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