Preparing to Sprint

Before we start our first Sprint, we'll need to do a little housekeeping first. The primary focus is to make sure we have everything set up for the first Sprint Planning session. 

The following activities are set up for team participation. Involving the whole team is the first step in creating a shared understanding and ownership of the product we're building. 

Also include stakeholders for a well-rounded picture. Including those with a vested interest in your product will enable you to get their input from the beginning, starting the relationship as you mean to go on.

Here are the pre-requisites for carrying out this series of activities:

  • What you'll need: Index cards or A5 paper, post-it notes, black sharpie pens
  • Setup: A large table to work on that the whole team can fit around
  • Remember: Set a time-box before you start 

We begin by first making sure that our Product Backlog is in order, which we'll do using the following activity.

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