Competing objectives

As a dataset is expanded to support more dimension and fact tables, advanced analytics, and more business users, it can be necessary to compromise certain objectives to deliver others. A common example of this is the implementation of date intelligence measures. For instance, five DAX Measures with their own date intelligence calculation (for example, Year-to-Date, Prior Year-to-Date), may be created for each existing measure thus causing a dataset with 20 measures to contain 120 measures. Since Power BI does not currently support display folders for measures, this can negatively impact the usability or user interface objective. Another example is the performance of complex DAX Measures relative to the scale of the dataset. Advanced, statistical calculations can be embedded in datasets but performance is limited by the size of the dataset and the volume of users that utilize this logic.

A method or work-around for providing the essential effect of measure-display folders can be achieved with parameter tables. Essentially, an empty table can be loaded to the model with a table name that describes a type of DAX Measure. DAX Measures can then be assigned to this table via the Home Table property. See the Parameter tables section for additional details. 
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