Top N visual-level filters

In the following example, a table visual is filtered based on the top five products for the Internet Net Sales (PYTD) measure:

Top N visual-level filter

For this visual, the prior year-to-date (PYTD) measure used for the filter condition is not one of the three measures displayed. Nonetheless, the following Top N condition filters out all products, including the top-selling product for the current year, that weren't one of the top five products in the prior year:

Top N filter condition

With a Top N filter defined between a column and a measure, the report author can optionally remove the column being filtered from the visual or replace it with a different column. For example, the $2,980,475 in Internet Net Sales (YTD) associated with the top five products from the prior year could be visualized by customer country instead of the product name. Alternatively, all columns except the Internet Net Sales (YTD) measure could be removed from the table visual and a card or KPI visual could be used to visualize the $2,980,475 value. The column referenced by the Top N filter condition only needs to be included in the visual when the filter condition is originally defined.

The TOPN() DAX function returns a filtered table based on an expression (such as a net sales measure). As a table, the results of this function can be passed as a filter argument to CALCULATE() in a separate measure. For example, a measure could be created to compute the sales for the top 100 customers based on prior year-to-date sales.
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