Edit interactions

Report authors can modify the visual interaction behavior such that selections (user clicks) on certain visuals don't impact other visuals or only impact certain visuals. Additionally, for the visuals set to the highlight interaction by default, report authors can revise the interaction behavior to filter.

In the following example, the United States selection in the middle bar chart has no impact on the multi-row car visual but causes a filter interaction (rather than highlight) on the product category chart:

Edit interactions in Power BI Desktop

To edit visual interactions, select the visual that will receive the selections and then enable the Edit interactions command under the Format tab in Power BI Desktop. In this example, the None interaction icon has been selected for the multi-row card visual and the Filter interaction icon has been selected for the Product Category column chart. 

Like the preceding example, it's often appropriate to disable visual interactions from impacting the card or KPI visuals in the top-left corner of the reports. These values can be impacted exclusively by the filters defined outside of the report canvas, such as report and page level filters, and will not change during user sessions like other visuals on the page.

Regardless of the design decision, if users will regularly interact with reports, such as clicking on slicers and other visuals, it's important to briefly review or explain the visual interaction behavior. This is especially necessary with new users and with more customized designs, such as 2-3 visuals with interactions enabled and 2-3 visuals with interactions disabled.
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