Supporting tiles

Custom images can be pinned from reports to dashboards to help structure and organize dashboard tiles. In the Global sales dashboard described earlier, four custom images were used to distinguish the global tiles from those associated with each of the three sales territory groups (North America, Europe, Pacific). The position and size of the supporting tiles help to clarify the priority and scope of the dashboard.

For example, without any knowledge of the dashboard's title, the top position of the global tile and the additional space allocated to the global section of the dashboard helps to confirm that the dashboard is primarily focused on the global level.

Supporting tiles used for organizational purposes in dashboards, such as those in the Global sales dashboard, can be created with basic shape and image tools in Office and Windows applications, such as Excel, PowerPoint, Paint, and Paint 3D. Specifically, a rectangle shape can be inserted into an Excel worksheet or a PowerPoint slide and the necessary text (for example, North America) and fill background color can then be applied. Most importantly, the dimensions of the formatted shape can be set in accordance with the 4 X 3 aspect ratio or a multiple of this ratio such that the image clearly fills the space of a dashboard tile. 

For example, the three sales territory group shapes are created with a width and height of 1.4" and 1.05" (4 X 3), respectively. The global shape, however, has a width and height of 1.4" and 2.1" (4 X 6), respectively, per the following image:

Support tile shapes

Once the shapes have been created with the proper formatting and size ratios given their role on the dashboard, they can be saved as PNG files (images) with image-editing applications, such as MS Paint and Paint 3D for Windows.

As images, the three sales territory groups have 136 X 102 pixel dimensions (4 X 3). The global image has 136 X 203 pixel dimensions (4 X 6).

Finally, the images can be inserted into a Power BI report that will be published in the same app workspace of the dashboard. To further eliminate any white space in the dashboard tiles, the Scaling property of the image can be set to Fit, per the following example:

Image scaling property: Fit

With the Scaling property for all images set to Fit, the report can be published to the Power BI service and each image can be pinned to the dashboard. Like all tiles in Power BI dashboards, the diagonal arrow handles in the lower-right corner of each tile containing an image can be used to change the size of the tile. Additionally, a tile can be selected and dragged to a different location on the canvas.

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