Power BI Premium capacity allocation

Although it's possible to broadly assign all app workspaces (and thus all content) of an organization to a single premium capacity, most organizations will want to efficiently allocate and manage these resources. For example, certain Power BI reports and dashboards that are utilized by executives or which contribute to important business processes will be identified and prioritized for premium capacity. In an initial deployment of a premium capacity, a BI/IT team may exclusively assign the workspaces associated with content considered mission critical to this capacity. This capacity may remain isolated to the specific workload(s) or, based on testing and monitoring, the BI team may determine that sufficient resources are available to support additional workspaces and their associated resource requirements.

Similar to provisioning a premium capacity exclusive to high-value content, a premium capacity may be provisioned due to the unique requirements of a particular solution. As one example, a new Power BI dataset may be developed that represents a data source or business process not currently supported in the data warehouse. In this scenario, a large import mode Power BI dataset, perhaps initially developed by the business team, would serve as the source for reports and dashboards which require distribution to many Power BI Free users or even the entire organization. Given these characteristics, a premium capacity node could be provisioned and dedicated to the app workspace hosting this dataset and its visualizations so that no other solution could impact its performance. 

The following section describes a capacity planning method.

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