Service Account

As discussed in the Power BI Report Server reference topology section earlier in this chapter, the database server used to host the Report Server Database is usually a separate machine than the report server instance. Therefore, a domain account or a service account with network access must be used to support the remote connection from the report server to the database server containing the Report Server Database. The Service Account can be modified via the top tab of the Report Server Configuration Manager, as shown in the following screenshot:

Report Server Service Account

The Virtual Service Account is selected as the default service account. If the Report Server Database is created on the same machine (such as ATLAS) as the report server instance, this account should have no issues. However, as shown in the preceding screenshot, a Network Service account or a domain account can be specified as well, which can access the Report Server Database on a remote server. Additional details and considerations on configuring a Report Server Database connection are included at the following URL:

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