Filled map

A filled map visual includes several of the same formatting properties of a bubble map but utilizes color as its primary means to contrast the locations. In the following filled map, a diverging color scheme has been applied via the Data colors formatting card to highlight individual states based on their online net sales:

Filled map visual with diverging colors

Exactly like the color scheme described in the column and line chart conditional formatting section, three distinct numeric values and colors are assigned to the Minimum, Center, and Maximum properties. For this visual, the values of $1M, $2M, and $3M are associated with red, yellow, and green; this causes the South Australia state to appear as red while the New South Wales states are green. 

Additionally, like the previous bubble map example, a grayscale map-style theme has been applied and the auto-zoom property has been disabled. Other map themes, such as dark, light, road, and aerial, are also available for filled and bubble maps. These alternative themes, particularly when contrasted with the bright or rich colors of a filled map, can significantly add to the aesthetic appeal of a report.

Per the drill-up/down icons above the visual, a hierarchy of geographical columns (Country, State, City) has been added to the location field well. These additional columns help the Bing Maps API to display the correct location, such as only Victoria in Australia. To ensure that Bing Maps respects the parent column (for example, Country) when plotting child locations (for example, States/Provinces), the user can enable the drill mode via the drill-down button in the top-right corner of the visual. With drill mode enabled, the user can click the specific parent value on the map, such as the United States, and Bing will plot states by only searching for states within the United States.

Alternatively, with drill mode not enabled, the user can click the expand all down one level icon in the top-left of the visual. From the initial state of the parent value (country), this will also plot the states within each parent value. The other drill option at the top-left of the visual, the go to the next level drill, only plots the child values without the context of the parent value.
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