Impact Bubble Chart

One of the limitations with standard Power BI visuals is the number of distinct measures that can be represented graphically. For example, the standard scatter chart visual is limited to three primary measures (X-AXIS, Y-AXIS, and SIZE), and a fourth measure can be used for color saturation. The Impact Bubble Chart custom visual, released in August of 2017, supports five measures by including a left and right bar input for each bubble. 

In the following visual, the left and right bars of the Impact Bubble Chart are used to visually indicate the distribution of AdWorks Net Sales between Online and Reseller Sales channels:

High Impact Bubble Chart
The Impact Bubble Chart supports five input field wells: X-AXISY-AXIS, SIZE, LEFT BAR, and RIGHT BAR. In this example, the following five measures are used for each of these fields respectively: AdWorks Net Sales, AdWorks Net Margin %, AdWorks Net Sales (YTD), Internet Net Sales, and Reseller Net Sales

The length of the left bar indicates that Australia's sales are almost exclusively derived from online sales. Likewise, the length of the right bar illustrates that Canada's sales are almost wholly obtained via Reseller Sales. These graphical insights per item would not be possible for the standard Power BI scatter chart. Specifically, the Internet Net Sales and Reseller Net Sales measures could only be added as Tooltips, thus requiring the user to hover over each individual bubble.

In its current release, the Impact Bubble Chart does not support the formatting of data labels, a legend, or the axis titles. Therefore, a supporting text box can be created to advise the user of the additional measures represented. In the top right corner of this visual, a text box is set against the background to associate measures to the two bars and the size of the bubbles. 

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