Page filter or slicer?

Slicer visuals can serve as an alternative to distinct or dedicated report pages. With a slicer, a user has the flexibility to select one or multiple values on the same report page, such as Northeast and Southwest, without needing to navigate to a dedicated page. Additionally, by consolidating dedicated report pages, slicers can simplify report development and management.

Slicers are often the best choice when there's nothing unique to the different values of the slicer. For example, if all sales regions are always analyzed by the same measures, dimensions, and visuals it may be unnecessary to duplicate these pages of visuals. Slicers are also very helpful or necessary when users regularly need to analyze the data by the same dimensions or by custom dimensions, such as price and date ranges. 

However, dedicated report pages are valuable for supporting email subscriptions, data alerts, and dashboard visuals specific to a particular value such as a sales region. In the following image from the Power BI service, an email subscription can be set to any of the report pages within the USA SALES AND MARGIN report:

Email subscription in Power BI

As one example, the visuals from the Northeast report page could potentially be pinned to a Northeast dashboard (or other dashboard) and used in data alerts and notifications for the Northeast team as well. These region-specific capabilities are made possible by the distinct report pages of visuals filtered for the given sales territory region.

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