Visual interactions

By default, the filter selections applied to a single visual, such as clicking a bar on a column chart or a row on a table, will impact all other data visualizations on the given report page with relationships to the selection. In the following example, the bar representing the United States sales territory country has been selected and this causes the product category chart to highlight the portion of each product category related to the United States sales territory country ($31.3M):

Visual Interactions – Highlighting

Multiple values from the same column can be selected (for example, France and Canada) and the values from separate columns of the same visual, such as the dimension columns of a table visual, can also cross-filter other visuals on the report page. The ability to drive visual interactions from the selections of two or more visuals (for example, United States and Bikes) is not currently supported excluding slicers. 

The highlight interaction option from the preceding example is available and enabled by default for column, bar, treemap, pie, and donut charts. Only the filter and the none interaction options are available for cards, KPIs, and line and scatter chart visuals.

Per prior chapters, the Sales Territory, Product, and Date dimension tables are related to all three fact tables—Internet Sales, Reseller Sales, and Sales and Margin Plan. Therefore, the filters and selections applied to the columns of these tables will simultaneously impact measures from other fact tables. This integration within the dataset supports robust analyses but can also require some training or explanation to users as they may not initially expect or understand the cross-filtering behavior.
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