Scatter charts

Scatter charts are very effective at explaining the relationship or correlation between items against two variables. Optionally, a third variable can be used to drive the size of the data points and thereby convert the visual to a bubble chart.

In the following example, three countries from the Sales Territory Country column are used as the details input to a scatter chart:

Scatter chart

To provide additional detail, three product subcategories are included in the legend input, such that nine total points (3 X 3) are plotted on the chart. The scatter chart naturally calls out the differences among the items based on their X Position (Reseller Net Sales) and Y Position (Internet Net Sales). Moreover, to make the visual even easier to interpret, the marker shapes have been customized for each product subcategory (for example, triangles, diamonds, squares) and the size of the shapes have been increased to 40%. 

By default, Power BI applies different colors to the items in the legend. If the legend is not used, the report author can customize the colors of the individual items from the details input column. Although color can be effective for differentiating values, customized marker shapes, such as this example, are helpful for users with visual disabilities.
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