Multi-column drillthrough

In many scenarios, a more specific filter context is needed for drillthrough report pages to resolve analyses. For example, the user may be interested in one specific year for a given Product Subcategory. To support these needs, multiple columns can be added as drillthrough page filters. When one or both columns are exposed in a report visual on a separate page, the drillthrough right-click option can be used to apply multiple filter selections to the drillthrough page.

In the following stacked column chart of Internet Sales by year and Product Subcategory, right-clicking on the Road Bikes column for 2015 ($4.2M) exposes the Drillthrough option to the Subcategory-Year Details drillthrough report page: 

Drillthrough by multiple columns

The Subcategory-Year Details report page contains Drillthrough filters for both the Calendar Year and the Product Subcategory columns. Report visuals which only expose one of these two columns can still drill to this multi-column drillthrough report page. In this scenario, no filter would be applied to the column not contained in the source visual.  

Executing the drillthrough action from the preceding chart results in the drillthrough report page filtered for both column values:

Multi-column drillthrough report page

The drillthrough report page (Subcategory-Year Details) in this scenario would be designed to display the values of the two drillthrough columns and provide supporting analysis for this given filter context. In the following example, the $4.2M of Internet Net Sales from the source page is identified in a card visual and also visualized by the calendar months of 2015 in a stacked column chart to break out the product models for the Road Bikes subcategory: 

Multi-column drillthrough report page

In the preceding drillthrough report example, the user obtains details on both Internet Net Sales and Reseller Net Sales for the given year and Product category. Visuals which utilize measures from any fact table (for example, Sales Plan) with a cross-filtering relationship to the drillthrough column tables can be added to the drillthrough report page to provide additional context.  

In addition to stacked column charts, matrix visuals are also a common choice for initiating a drillthrough action based on two columns. For example, the Calendar Year column could be the columns input and the Product Subcategory could be the rows input. Additionally, a pie chart with the two columns used in the legend and detailed input fields can also be used to drillthrough based on two columns. 

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