Pulse Chart

The Pulse Chart custom visual, developed by Microsoft, provides both animation and annotation features to support data storytelling. The Pulse Chart animates the value of a single measure over time and pauses at dates associated with events to display pop-up boxes of annotations describing these events. During this pause, which can also be applied manually via playback buttons, other Power BI visuals on the same report page are filtered by the event date. Additionally, a second measure can be visualized as a counter at the top of the chart via the Runner Counter field. 

In the following example, a year-to-date (YTD) online sales measure and four events with annotations are plotted on a Pulse Chart:

Pulse Chart
The YTD sales measure is visualized via the animated line (and dots) in relation to the Y axis. For this example, a YTD customer count measure has also been applied to the Runner Counter field input. With the visual paused on the shipping promotion event of October 12, 2017, the Y axis indicates a sales value of approximately $8.00 M, and the Runner Counter displays a count of 8,344 customers. Alternatively, the same measure can be applied to both the Values and Runner Counter fields, thus providing the precise value at each pause in addition to the trend via the line. Examples of defining YTD and customer count measures are included in Chapter 4Developing DAX Measures and Security Roles

If event annotations are not needed, only the Timestamp and Values input fields are required to render the Pulse Chart. Event Title, Event Description, and Event Size input fields are available to display events and annotations as pop-up boxes. Additionally, the formatting pane provides several cards for defining the look and behavior of the Pulse Chart, including the size and color of the pop-up textboxes and the speed of the animation. For example, white text at size 14 can be formatted against a black fill background and the pause at each event can be set to four seconds.

To support the Pulse Chart in the preceding example, a separate table of events has been added to the dataset as per the following image:

Events table

The Event Date column is used to define a one-to-many relationship from the Events table to the Date dimension table with single direction cross-filtering. The Date column from the Date dimension table is applied to the Pulse Chart's Timestamp input field, and the Event Title and Event Description columns from the events table are applied to their respective input fields. 

The formatting options for the X and Y axes of the Pulse Chart are much less robust than the standard line chart. As one example, the Y Axis gridlines cannot be disabled. Gridlines are not visible in the preceding example purely because the axis color was set to match the background color. Additionally, the second and later lines of event descriptions in pop-up boxes are displayed without spaces. Report authors can adjust the width of pop-ups or reduce the length of event descriptions to account for this.
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