Change capacity size

At some point after a capacity has been created, it may be necessary to change the size of the capacity. For example, given increased adoption of Power BI, the P1 SKU may be insufficient to support the current workload and thus an additional eight v-cores could be purchased with the intent to scale up the existing capacity to a P2 capacity size (16 v-cores). Alternatively, an admin may wish to view the recent utilization of a premium capacity to help determine whether additional app workspaces can be assigned to the capacity. 

To change a capacity size and to view the utilization for a capacity, click the name of the capacity from the Capacity settings page described earlier. In the following screenshot, the Capacity P1 #1 8GB model from the Capacity settings screenshot earlier has been selected:

Manage premium capacity

A yellow Change capacity size button is exposed below the three usage metrics (CPU, Memory thrashing, and Direct Query). Selecting this button launches a simple window with a Capacity size dropdown, such as the Capacity size dropdown used for setting up a capacity. In this scenario, all capacity size options are grayed out in the Change capacity size window since the P1 capacity consumes all available v-cores. Nonetheless, with just a few clicks in the Admin portal, an admin can scale up or down a capacity. 

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