Machine learning applications

Given the rapidly growing use of machine learning in diverse areas of human endeavor, any attempt to list typical applications in the different industries where some form of machine learning is in use must necessarily be incomplete. Nevertheless, in this section, we list a broad set of machine learning applications by domain and the type of learning employed:



Machine Learning Type


Credit risk scoring, fraud detection, and anti-money laundering

Supervised, unsupervised, graph models, time series, and stream learning


Online campaigns, health monitoring, and ad targeting

Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised


Evidence-based medicine, epidemiological surveillance, drug events prediction, and claim fraud detection

Supervised, unsupervised, graph models, time series, and stream learning

Internet of things (IoT)

Cyber security, smart roads, and sensor health monitoring

Supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and stream learning


Weather forecasting, pollution modeling, and water quality measurement

Time series, supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and stream learning


Inventory, customer management and recommendations, layout, and forecasting

Time series, supervised, unsupervised, semi-supervised, and stream learning

Applications of machine learning

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