Additional network architectures and algorithms

We have discussed a few of the most common and practical neural networks. At this point, we would also like to consider some specialized neural networks and their application in various fields of study. These types of networks do not fit neatly into one particular category, but may still be of interest.

The k-Nearest Neighbors algorithm

An artificial neural network implementing the k-NN algorithm is similar to MLP networks, but it provides significant reduction in time compared to the winner takes all strategy. This type of network does not require a training algorithm after the initial weights are set and has fewer connections among its neurons. We have chosen not to provide an example of this algorithm's implementation because its use in Weka is very similar to the MLP example.

This type of network is best suited to classification tasks. Because it utilizes lazy learning techniques, reserving all computation until after information has been classified, it is considered to be one of the simpler models. In this model, the neurons are weighted based upon their distance from their neighbors. The classification of the neighbors is already known and therefore no specific training is required.

Instantaneously trained networks

Instantaneously Trained Neural Networks (ITNNs) are feedforward ANNs. They are special because they add a new hidden neuron for every unique set of training data. The main advantage to this type of network is the ability to provide generalization to other problems.

ITNNs are especially useful in short term learning situations. In particular, this type of network is useful for web searches and other pattern recognition functions with large datasets. These networks are suited for time series prediction and other deep learning purposes.

Spiking neural networks

A Spiking Neural Network (SNN) is a more complex ANN due to the fact it takes into account not only the neuron and information propagation, but also the timing of each event. In these networks, every neuron does not fire during every propagation of information, but rather only when the membrane potential for a particular neuron reaches a specific threshold. The membrane potential refers to the activation level of a neuron and closely resembles the way biological neurons fire.

Due to the close mimicry of biological neural networks, SNNs are especially suited to biological study and application. They have been used to model the nervous system of animals and insects and are useful for predicting the outcome of various stimuli. These networks have the ability to create very complex models with significant detail, but sacrifice time to accomplish this goal.

Cascading neural networks

Cascading Neural Networks (CNNs) is a specialized supervised learning algorithm. In this type, the network is initially very small and simplistic. As the network learns, it gradually adds new hidden units. Once the node is added, its input weight is constant and cannot be changed or removed.

This type of neural network is praised for its quick learning rate and ability to dynamically build itself. The user of such a network does not have to worry about topological design. Additionally, these networks do not require backpropagation of error information to make adjustments.

Holographic associative memory

Holographic Associative Memory (HAM) is a special type of complex neural network. This is a specialized type of network related to natural human memory and visual analysis. This network is especially useful for pattern recognition and associative memory tasks and can be applied to optical computations.

HAM attempts to closely mimic human visualization and pattern recognition. In this network, stimulus-response patterns are learned without iteration and backpropagation of errors is not required. Unlike other networks discussed in this chapter, HAM does not exhibit the same type of connected behaviour. Instead, the stimulus-response patterns can be stored within a single neuron.

Backpropagation and neural networks

Backpropagation algorithms are another supervised learning techniques used to train neural networks. As the name suggests, this algorithm calculates the computed output error and then changes the weights of each neuron in a backwards manner. Backpropagation is primarily used with MLP networks. It is important to note forward propagation must occur before backward propagation can be used.

In its most basic form, this algorithm consists of four steps:

  1. Perform forward propagation for a given set of inputs.
  2. Calculate the error value for each output.
  3. Change the weights based upon the calculated error for each node.
  4. Perform forward propagation again.

This algorithm completes when the output matches the expected output.

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