Deep autoencoders

An autoencoder is used for feature selection and extraction. It consists of two symmetrical DBNs. The first half of the network is composed of several layers, which performs encoding. The second part of the network performs decoding. Each layer of the autoencoder is an RBM. This is illustrated in the following figure:

Deep autoencoders

The purpose of the encoding sequence is to compress the original input into a smaller vector space. The middle layer of the previous figure is this compressed layer. These intermediate vectors can be thought of as possible features of the dataset. The encoding is also referred to as the pre-training half. It is the output of the intermediate RBM layer and does not perform classification.

The encoder's first layer will use more inputs than used by the dataset. This has the effect of expanding the features of the dataset. A sigmoid-belief unit is a form of non-linear transformation used with each layer. This unit is not able to accurately represent information as real values. However, using more inputs, it is able to do a better job.

The second half of the network performs decoding, effectively reconstructing the input. This is a forward-feed network, using the same weights as the corresponding layers in the encoding half. However, the weights are transposed and are not initialized randomly. The training rate needs to be set lower for the second half.

An autoencoder is useful for data compression and searching. The output of the first half of the model is compressed, thus making it useful for storage and transmission usage. Later, it can be decompressed, as we will demonstrate in Chapter 10, Visual and Audio Analysis. This is sometimes referred to as semantic hashing.

If a series of inputs, such as images or sounds, have been compressed and stored, then new input can be compressed and matched with the stored values to find the best fit. An autoencoder can also be used for other information retrieval tasks.

Building an autoencoder in DL4J

This example is adapted from We start with a try-catch block to handle errors that may crop up and with a few variable declarations. This example uses the Mnist ( dataset, which is a set of images containing hand-written numbers. Each image consists of 28 by 28 pixels. An iterator is declared to access the data:

try { 
    final int numberOfRows = 28; 
    final int numberOfColumns = 28; 
    int seed = 123; 
    int numberOfIterations = 1; 
    iterator = new MnistDataSetIterator( 
        1000, MnistDataFetcher.NUM_EXAMPLES, true); 
} catch (IOException ex) { 
    // Handle exceptions 

Configuring the network

The configuration of the network is created using the NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder() class. Ten layers are created where the input layer consists of 1000 neurons. This is larger than the 28 by 28 pixel input and is used to compensate for the sigmoid-belief units used in each layer.

Each of the subsequent layers gets smaller until layer four is reached. This layer represents the last step of the encoding process. With layer five, the decoding process starts and the subsequent layers get bigger. The last layer uses 1000 neurons.

Each layer of the model uses an RBM instance except the last layer, which is constructed using the OutputLayer.Builder class. The configuration code follows:

MultiLayerConfiguration conf = new NeuralNetConfiguration.Builder() 
        .layer(0, new RBM.Builder() 
            .nIn(numberOfRows * numberOfColumns).nOut(1000) 
        .layer(1, new RBM.Builder().nIn(1000).nOut(500) 
        .layer(2, new RBM.Builder().nIn(500).nOut(250) 
        .layer(3, new RBM.Builder().nIn(250).nOut(100) 
        .layer(4, new RBM.Builder().nIn(100).nOut(30) 
            .build()) //encoding stops 
        .layer(5, new RBM.Builder().nIn(30).nOut(100) 
            .build()) //decoding starts 
        .layer(6, new RBM.Builder().nIn(100).nOut(250) 
        .layer(7, new RBM.Builder().nIn(250).nOut(500) 
        .layer(8, new RBM.Builder().nIn(500).nOut(1000) 
        .layer(9, new OutputLayer.Builder( 
                .nOut(numberOfRows * numberOfColumns).build()) 

Building and training the network

The model is then created and initialized, and score iteration listeners are set up:

model = new MultiLayerNetwork(conf); 
        (IterationListener) new ScoreIterationListener())); 

The model is trained using the fit method:

while (iterator.hasNext()) { 
    DataSet dataSet =; DataSet(dataSet.getFeatureMatrix(),  

Saving and retrieving a network

It is useful to save the model so that it can be used for later analysis. This is accomplished using the ModelSerializer class's writeModel method. It takes the model instance and modelFile instance, along with a boolean parameter specifying whether the model's updater should be saved. An updater is a learning algorithm used for adjusting certain model parameters:

modelFile = new File("savedModel"); 
ModelSerializer.writeModel(model, modelFile, true); 

The model can be retrieved using the following code:

modelFile = new File("savedModel"); 
MultiLayerNetwork model = ModelSerializer.restoreMultiLayerNetwork(modelFile); 

Specialized autoencoders

There are specialized versions of autoencoders. When an autoencoder uses more hidden layers than inputs, it may learn the identity function, which is a function that always returns the same value used as input to the function. To avoid this problem, an extension to the autoencoder, denoising autoencoder, is used; it randomly modifies the input introducing noise. The amount of noise introduced varies depending on the input dataset. A Stacked Denoising Autoencoder (SdA) is a series of denoising autoencoders strung together.

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