

AchE-modified SPCE, 394
acoustic wave resonant sensor, 235
acoustic wave sensor, 234
active phases, 31–46
classification, 31
conducting materials for resistors, 31–40
palladium – silver systems, 32–3
ruthenium and iridium system, 34–40
conductors, 41–2
dielectrics, 42
materials for AlN, SiC, glass and other substrates, 45–6
materials for nitrogen firing, 43–5
airbag initiator element, 459–60
adapted model, 464
fused initiator element, 464
laser patterned thick-film initiator element, 462
material property data, 463
performance data, 462
temperature distribution of the modified initiator element, 465
alkaline batteries, 537–8
optical micrographs, 538
alumina, 50, 71, 175
substrates, 430, 432
aluminium substrates, 434
amperometric immunosensor, 386
amperometric sensors, 356–60
combustible sensors, 358–9
NO differential sensors, 359–60
oxygen sensors, 356–8
amperometry, 372–3
typical input and output waveforms, 373
anisotropic magnetoresistance (AMR), 180, 184
anodes, 471, 476–8
LSM/YSZ/Ni-YSZ fuel cell, 478
thick-film of a cermet NiO-CGO, 477
triple phase boundary (TPB), 477
antioxidants, 47
Arrhenius equation, 98, 171
ASTM D3985-81, 559
ASTM F372-78, 559
atmospheric plasma spray (APS), 24
atomic oxygen diffusion, 288
auxiliary electrode, 369
available volume fraction, 123


BaSrTiO3, 139
beryllia, 50, 72
biosensor, 368
bismuth sodium titanate (BNT), 251
bismuth titanate (BT), 251
blanking, 144
blending curve, 91
BS 1904, 169
bulk micromachined silicon accelerometer, 266
bulk micromachining, 262–3


capacitive pressure microsensor, 208–9
capacitive pressure sensors, 207–8, 272–3
capacitive strain sensors, 211–12
capacitor dielectrics, 106
carbon dioxide sensors, 348–50
cathodes, 471, 478–82
Arrhenius plot of the polarisation resistance, 482
BSCF cathode onto SDC film, 480
cross-section of a SOFC fuel cell, 480
influence of oxygen partial pressure on the impedance spectra, 481
LSM thick-film, 479
microstructures of LSM-YSZ composite, 479
cellophane, 144
cellulose acetate, 144
ceramic capacitive pressure sensor, 271
ceramic heater, 441–4
set-up, 441
temperature control of water at different operation conditions, 443
temperature distribution along the cross-section of the water-filled channel, 442
thermal image of substrate, 443
ceramic MEMS, 270–4
alumina vs. LTCC, 271
low temperature co-fired, 272–4
surface micromachined, 270–2
ceramic sensors, 174
ceramic substrates, 430, 432
charge-carrier percolation, 283
chemical systems, 339–40
chemical warfare agents, 389–92
chemo-resistive effect, 279, 282
chemo-resistive gas sensing, 280
chemo-resistive sensors, 279
cholesterol, 384–5
choline oxidase amperometric biosensor, 398
chronoamperometric screen-printed immunosensor, 386
chronoamperometry, 371–2
typical input and output waveforms, 372
co-precipitation, 291–2
La FeO3 powders, 292
WO3 powders synthesis
synthesis via precipitation routes, 292
CO sensing, 354
coating, 554
cobaltites, 479
colloidal composites, 112
combustible sensors, 358–9
amperometric sensor with double cells, 359
simultaneous oxygen and methane response, 359
Commission Directive 2008/50/EC, 318
composite active materials, 424–5
conducting particle volume fraction, 116
conduction band bottom, 285
conduction mechanisms, 112–30
current understanding, 114–30
filler concentration dependence of conductivity
calculated conductivity as function of volume fraction, 124
global tunnelling network approach, 119–27
measured conductivity as a function of RuO2 volume fraction, 125
percolation interpretation, 116–19
segregated conductor-insulator composite, 122
tunnelling decay distance values as function of available volume fraction, 126
future trends, 130
non-universality of the transport critical exponent for TFR, 113
segregated microstructure of TFR large insulating grains, 117
temperature dependence of conductivity, 127–30
conductometry, 374
conductors, 99–105
properties of precious and base metals used in thick-film conductor compositions, 100
silver migration, 101–3
thick-film metallisation for solar cells, 103–5
continuous ink-jet systems (CIJ), 15
continuum percolation approach, 117
counter electrode, 369
critical path (CP) approximation, 121
cryogenic sensors, 173–4
Curie temperature, 225
Curie–Weiss behaviour, 181
cyclic voltammetry, 370–1
typical input and output waveforms, 371


deep reactive ion etching (DRIE), 263
densification, 81, 245
deposition medium, 46–8
dielectric, 106–8, 113
DIN 43 760, 169
direct gravure offset, 17–19
principle of gravure printing process, 17
printing process, 18
direct size effect, 95
direct write technologies, 425–6
Direct-write Thermal Spray (DWTS), 25, 212
directive 2009/95/EC, 251
DNA multi-walled nanotube modified SPCE, 386
drop-on-demand (DOD) ink-jet systems, 15
dual laser techniques, 535–6
dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSC), 539–41
schematic illustration, 541
dynamic release layer, 530


Efros–Shklovskii law α= 1/2, 129
electrical conductance, 279
electroceramics, 139
electrochemical competitive enzyme-linked immunomagnetic assay, 396
electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, 374–5
electrochemical systems, 340–1
electrodes, 476–82
anodes, 476–8
cathodes, 478–82
electrolytes, 471, 472–5
dense YSZ electrolyte, 474
influence of thickness on SOFC characteristics, 473
SDC (Sm-doped Ceria) electrolyte film, 475
SOFC obtained by screen-print, 473
very dense YSZ electrolyte, 474
electromechanical coupling factor, 227
electron hole, 550
encapsulation, 559
roll-to-roll laminator, 560
environmental monitoring, 318–23
correlation between the results of UV analysers and ozone sensor, 321
dynamic measurements vs. conventional analysers, 320–1
integrated monitoring station, 322
single sensors and monitoring unit endowed with two sensor test chambers, 319
enzyme SPCE biosensor, 385
equilibrium electrode, 353
Escherichia coli, 387
ethanol biosensors, 384


Fermi level, 283–4, 285, 286
Fermi–Dirac distribution, 283–4
ferrites, 479
ferroelectrics, 225
ferromagnetism, 180
Ferroperm, 230
filament micro-dispersing systems, 13–14
MicroPen system, 13
films, 410–11
actuation mechanisms of bulk and film active materials, 411
fired thick-film varistors, 506–7
firing, 148, 281
profiles, 65
flat heater, 444–8
breakdown voltage of insulation layer for different testing condition, 446
change in IR of a dielectric insulation layer, 445
heater element insulated stainless steel substrate, 447
test configuration for insulation resistance and dielectric strength measurement, 445
fluctuation-induced tunnelling model, 129
Fodel, 147
Fodel pastes, 11
Fodel systems, 11
fractional capacitance, 195
fuel cells (FC), 469–71
performance (current–voltage) of a PEM-FC, 471
fugitive phases, 197
functional trimming, 96


gap printing, 146
gas sensing, 279–83
gauge factor (GF), 177, 179, 203
generalised pyroelectric coefficient, 243
glass-bonded conductors, 41
glass ceramic coating, 433, 437
glass ceramics, 48–9
glass frit, 229
glass substrate heater, 440–1
demister temperature–voltage characteristics, 441
resistance of demister, 440
glasses, 48–9
global tunnelling network (GTN) approach, 119–27
glucose dehydrogenase-based screen-printed biosensors, 379, 382
sequence of reactions, 379
gold nanoparticle-modified SPCE, 394
grain size, 422–4
microstructural features that can cause degradation of actuator response, 422
granular composites, 112
Gravure printing, 556
green ceramic, 10
green tape, 10


hard PZT, 228
heater tracks, 434–8
substrate on characteristic data of PTC-resistors, 437
substrate on heating up rate of different resistor elements, 437
substrate on performance characteristic of Pt-resinate resistor elements, 438
temperature regulation for heater-element with PTC and low TCR, 436
high current region, 498–501
energy bands bending in two adjacent grains of the n-type semiconductor, 500
local ‘quasi’ Fermi level, 501
polished and chemically etched surface of a ZnO-based varistor, 499
high-temperature co-fired ceramic (HTCC) technology, 134
hot air gun, 452–4
micro-hot gas gun, 454
substrate surface temperature characteristic vs. air flow rate, 454
Howatt, G., 134
humidity sensor, 457–9
set-up, 457
temperature difference between Pt-heater elements, 460
temperature difference determined by numerical simulation at ambient temperature, 461
thermal conductivity of air in dependence in water vapour content, 458
hybrid electronics, 4
hydrogen sensors, 345–6
sintered ceramic and thin film, 345
hydrothermal synthesis, 295–8
chemical equations HY vs. SG route for ZnO nanopowders, 297
chemical equations presenting the HY synthetic route for lanthanum titanate nanopowders, 297
monodispersed perovskite powders, 296–7
titania thick-films, 297–8
vs. sol-gel synthesis, 297–8
ZnO, 296


Ink-jet printing, 5, 187
Ink-jet technologies, 14–17
InSensor, 230
instant water flow heater, 448–52
heating up of empty tube, 453
heating up of tube by continuous water flow, 452
illustration, 448
material property data, 449
power density dependence inside the tube, 451
thermophysical data of air, 450
thermophysical data of water, 450
tube-natural convection, 450
tube-water, 450
interfacial reactions, 263–4
layers, 421
reaction between lead from the PZT and silicon substrate, 264
intermediate temperature solid oxide fuel cells (IT-SOFC), 472, 479
inverse size effect, 95
ion mobility spectrometer, 155
isostatic lamination, 148


kentrolite, 79
Kirkendall effect, 83


λ-sensors, 343–5
illustration and typical response after logothetis, 344
planar made with co-fired multi-layer technology, 344
thin film, 345
labeless immunosensor, 398
lactate biosensors, 382–4
biosensors for the detection of lactate using Lactate oxidase or Lactate dehydrogenase, 383
lanthanum strontium manganite (LSM), 471, 478–9
laser direct-write (LDW), 526–8
schematic illustration, 528
laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT), 527
overview, 528–31
evolution, 529–31
laser-printed micro-power devices, 526–45
challenges and opportunities, 543–4
embedded micro-power sources, 542–3
schematic of embedded Li-ion microbattery, 542
future trends, 544–5
laser-induced forward transfer, 528–31
laser transfer of complex rheological systems, 531–2
schematic representation of forward transfer steps, 532
power sources, 532–41
laser-printed micro-power sources, 532–41
dye-sensitised photovoltaics, 539–41
laser-printed microbatteries, 537
laser-printed ultracapacitors, 534–7
primary alkaline batteries, 537–8
secondary batteries made by laser printing, 539
lattice percolation approach, 117
lead lanthanum zirconate titanate (PLZT), 245
lead zirconate titanate (PZT), 211, 228, 251
light beam-induced current (LBIC), 560, 562
functional map of a P3HT/PCBM type solar cell, 563
light-emitting diode (LED), 246–7
linear piezoelectric constitute equations, 226
lithium microbatteries, 539
cross section made by LDW and SEM images of cathode/anode electrodes, 540
low-temperature co-fired ceramic systems (LTCC), multilayer, 134–57
applications, 150–6
Bluetooth device with integrated antenna, 152
flow injection analysis LTCC module, 154
liquid-cooled, fibre-pigtailed high-power laser diode, 156
multilayer RF structure manufactured by Kyocera, 151
other areas of application, 154–7
packaging and microelectronics, 150–3
planar, liquid-cooled electronically steerable antenna, 153
portable ion mobility spectrometer, 156
WLAN module, 153
commercially available materials and their properties, 135
comparison of different technologies, 136
compositions, 136–41
BT particle coated with calcium boron silicate glass with LiF, 138
dielectric LTCCs, 137–9
non-linear LTCCs, 139–40
pastes for LTCC systems, 140–1
future trends, 157
manufacturing method
advanced methods and future trends, 149–50
general process, 144
printing of paste with screen-printing method, 146
sintering profile, 149
manufacturing methods, 141–50
general steps, 142–9
product design, 141–2, 143
dimensioning, 143
general dimension guidelines for an LTCC product, 142
publications introduced since 2001 based on Web of Knowledge, 136
low temperature co-fired ceramics (LTCC), 272–4
capacitive pressure sensor, 273
piezoresistive pressure sensor, 274


macroscopic polarisation, 225
magnetoresistance ratio (MRR), 183
magnetostriction, 416
manganese, 79
Marelli, F.I., 174
mass-action law, 287
Materials Science concepts, 63–84
chemical diffusion-related interactions, 70–9
Ag solubility and diffusivity, 75
interactions due to diffusion at resistor/terminations and dielectric/contacts, 74–6
measured concentration profiles for silver and bismuth, 76
minor constituents dissolution in vitreous matrix, 74
reactions and exchange interactions in thick-film resistors, 77–9
RuO2 and ruthenium compound solubility in silicate glasses, 72–4
sources of possible interactions in printed-and-fired thick-film resistor, 71
substrates and silicate glasses interactions, 71–2
conducting materials interactions with the organic vehicle, 65
future trends, 83–4
Kirkendall effect, 83
reactivity interactions in other systems, 82–3
redox reactions, 65–70
firing temperature profiles for thick-films, 66
phase stability diagram for selected elements of interest, 67
sintering, grain growth and Ostwald ripening, 80–2
two spherical particles at initial stages of sintering, 80
tetrahedon used to represent cross-relations, 64
MD-Films, 5
metal organic decomposition (MOD), 15
micro single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells, 488–92
miniaturised single-chamber SOFC on alumina substrate, 490
Ni-CGO/CGO/SSC realised with moulds, 491
screen-printing of SnO2 films on silicon micro-hotplates, 490
silicon grid obtained by dry etching DRIE, 489
silicon micro-hotplate, 491
microbatteries, 537
MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS)
printed thick-film, 259–75
ceramic, 270–4
future trends, 274–5
silicon, 260–70
Microflex, 252
micromachined silicon micropump, 265
micromachining, 261–3
bulk process, 262
compatibility, 264–5
sacrificial layer surface process, 261
MicroPen, 5, 13–14, 187
mixed ionic electronic conductivity (MIEC), 481
mixed potential electrode, 353–6
modified sodium potassium niobate (KNN), 251
molten carbonate fuel cells (MCFC), 470
Mott variable-range hopping behaviour, 129
multiferroic active materials, 425
multilayer ceramic capacitors (MLCC), 100
multilayer processing/contacting, 557–9
multilayer varistors (MLV), 100, 504–5
formation process, 505
Mylar, 144


n-type sensor, 287
Nafion, 535
nanopowders, 290
negative temperature coefficient thermistors, 171–2
nickel, 476, 478
nickel oxide (NiO), 471, 476
nitrates, 389
nitrites, 389
nitrogen-fired compositions, 47
NO differential sensors, 359–60
potentiometric and amperometric sensor with diffusion hole, 360
nonlinear region, 498
NOx sensing, 355–6
laminated-type sensor attached with catalyst, 355
potentiometric and amperometric operating principles, 360–1
NO sensor principle, 361
upstream oxygen pumping down to 1000ppm, 360
nScrypt systems, 13–14


open circuit voltage (OCV), 470
Ostwald ripening, 82
overglaze dielectrics, 106
oxide-bonded TF conductors, 41
oxygen electrode, 352–3
oxygen exchange equilibrium, 287
oxygen sensors, 356–8
amperometric sensors with diffusion hole, porous layer and response curves, 356
oxygen vacancy, 287


Panasonic Solar Cell Handbook, 185
paste printing process, 146
pastes, 298–301
typical components for gas sensing devices, 299
PbO powder, 229
percolation theory, 113, 116
performance–cost ratio, 563
pesticides, 389–92
developments in the application of screen-printed biosensors, 390–1
phase-locked loop (PLL), 238
phonon scattering, 168
phosphate, 388
phosphoric acid fuel cells (PAFC), 470
photoactivation, 322–4
photocatalysis, 322–4
photosensitive vehicles, 47
piezoelectric accelerometer, 236
piezoelectric actuators, 417–19
cantilever beam using two piezoelectric stacks to simulate in plane shear actuation, 418
fabrications, 419–20
piezoelectric cantilever, 272
piezoelectric constants, 226
piezoelectric materials, 417
piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducers (pMUT), 237
piezoelectric sensors, 231–43
examples of devices and applications, 235–43
non-linear energy harvesting system, 242
piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasound Transducer, 237
PZT-on-alumina resonant piezo-layer sensor, 241
PZT-on-steel resonant tuning fork sensor, 239
piezoelectric transducers modelling and configurations, 231–5
configuration types of piezoelectric transducers, 234
equivalent circuit lumped-element model, 232
piezoelectricity, 222–3, 412–15
d33 mode activated cantilever, 415
inimorph and bimorph actuator, 413
parallel and series of bimorph actuator, 414
transverse, longitudinal and shear actuation of piezoelectric materials, 412
piezoresistive pressure sensor, 274
planar thick-film sensors, 362
3Plast, 251
polar axis, 223
poling, 225
polyaromatic hydrocarbons, 393–4
polychlorinated biphenyls, 392–3
polymer active materials, 424–5
polymer solar cells, 550–73
ambient processing on flexible substrates, 553–4
applications and demonstrations, 562–72
adaptable small-volume applications, 567–8
improvements in performance-cost ratio, 564
large-volume applications, 568–9
lighting Africa lamps from Zambia field testing, 572
market areas, 562–6
recent demonstrations, 569–72
solar cell design, 567
solar hat composed of sun hat, polymer solar cell and integrated radio, 570
solar tracker with mounted polymer solar cell panels, 568
Suntiles, 571
energy level diagram of two semiconductor materials, 551
future trends, 572–3
history, 552–3
illustration of normal and inverted geometry, 553
manufacturing methods, 557–62
encapsulation, 559
multilayer processing and contacting, 557–9
post-production and characterisation methods, 559–62
series connection illustration, 558
substrates, 557
printing and coating methods, 554–7
schematics of the simplest form of polymer solar cell, 551
timeframe estimate for continued technology development, 556
polymer systems, 437–8
polymer thick-film heater, 438–40
characteristic, 439
characteristic of a PTC resistor, 439
polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF), 211
porcelain enamelled steel (PES), 433
porosity, 421
positive temperature coefficient of resistance (PTC), 435
positive temperature coefficient thermistors, 169–70
potentiometric sensors, 185–6, 338
fluid level sensor, 186
potentiometry, 374
power–law relation, 113
pre-breakdown region, 498
pre-switching region, 498
primary pyroelectric effect, 243
printed actuators, 410–26
actuation mechanism, 412–17
active materials printing variability, 417
magnetostriction, 416
piezoelectricity, 412–15
shape memory alloy, 416–17
films as actuators, 410–11
future trends, 424–6
direct write technologies, 425–6
multiferroic active materials, 425
polymer and composite active materials, 424–5
piezoelectric actuator fabrications, 419–20
piezoelectric actuators, 417–19
processing–properties–microstructure interrelationship, 420–4
printed films
active phases, 31–46
classification, 31
conducting materials for resistors, 31–40
conductors, 41–2
dielectrics, 42
materials for AlN, SiC, glass and other substrates, 45–6
materials for nitrogen firing, 43–5
deposition medium – vehicle, 46–8
glasses and glass ceramics, 48–9, 50
glass compositions used in resistors, 49
glass compositions used in TG conductors, 50
materials, 30–51
Materials Science concepts, 63–84
chemical diffusion-related interactions, 70–9
conducting materials interactions with the organic vehicle, 65
future trends, 83–4
Kirkendall effect, 83
reactivity interactions in other systems, 82–3
redox reactions, 65–70
sintering, grain growth and Ostwald ripening, 80–2
microelectronics, 3–7
historical perspective, 3–7
other systems, 24–5
properties as electrical components on ceramic substrates, 90–108
conductors, 99–105
dielectrics, 106–8
thick-film resistors, 91–9
properties of typical substrates materials, 51
substrates, 49–51
technologies, 3–26
from thick-films and hybrids to printed electronics, 7–22
direct gravure offset, 17–19
direct gravure offset printing process, 18
filament micro-dispersing systems, 13–14
Fodel process illustration, 12
ink transfer unit of R2R gravure printing process, 20
Ink-jet printing, 16
Ink-jet technologies, 14–17
MicroPen system, 13
offset lithographic printing process, 22
principle of gravure printing process, 17
reel-to-reel systems, 19–24
screen-printing process, 9
screen-printing technologies, 8–13
printed gas sensors
solid electrolyte, 335–62, 336–8
amperometric sensors, 356–60
future trends, 361–2
NOx sensing device, 360–1
potentiometric sensors, 338
thermodynamically controlled sensors, 338–51
thermodynamics and kinetics controlled sensors, 352–6
printed piezoelectric film, 275
printed resistive sensor, 167–87
future trends, 187
magnetoresistive effects and sensors, 180–4
longitudinal and transverse magnetoresistance of two layers of Ni/Co, 182
magnetic properties of NiCo-based thick-films, 181
magnetoresistance ratio variation, 183
properties of thick-film magneto-resistors based on Ni and Ni-Co alloys, 182
temperature dependence of the maximum ΔR/R(at Hsat), 182
piezoresistive properties and related sensors, 174–9
properties of materials for piezoresistive thick-film sensors, 176
RuO2-based TFRs strain sensitivity, 178
sensor based on ceramic diaphragm and body and insulated steel membrane on steel body, 176
thick-film ceramic pressure sensor, 175
potentiometric sensors, 185–6
fluid level sensor, 186
radiant sensors, 184–5
temperature sensors, 168–74
low-temperature, cryogenic sensors, 173–4
negative temperature coefficient thermistors, 171–2
positive temperature coefficient thermistors, 169–70
resistive temperature detectors, 168–9
ruthenate conductive phase in thick-film resistors, 170
sensor design of a thick-film flow sensor for biological microsystems, 173
thermocouples, 172–3
printed semiconducting gas sensors, 278–325
applications, 318–24
dynamical responses to 70 ppb of ozone for RT-UV ZnO sensor, 323
environmental monitoring, 318–22
photoactivation and photocatalysis, 322–4
sensor response based on ZnO and (Sn, W) O3 at atmosphere variation, 324
films achieved through thick-film technology, 282
functional materials, 289–301
chemistry-controlled properties of nanopowders influencing gas sensing, 290
co-precipitation, 291–2
disadvantages of conventional solid-state synthesis route for powders, 291
hydrothermal synthesis, 295–8
processing-controlled properties of film influencing gas sensing, 290
rheology, pastes and screen-printing technology, 298–301
sol-gel synthesis, 293–5
future trends, 324
morphological, structural and electrical properties, 302–17
alternate response of a SnO2-based thick-film sensor, 302
SnO2-based materials, 303–7
TiO2-based materials, 307–11
WO3-based materials, 311–14
ZnO-based materials, 314–17
operation and modeling principles, 283–9
grain boundary barrier formation in gas environment, 284
printed thick-film
ceramic MEMS, 270–4
future trends, 274–5
MicroElectroMechanical Systems (MEMS), 259–75
silicon MEMS, 260–70
printed thick-film biosensors, 366–99
applications, 376–87
cholesterol, 384–5
ethanol biosensors, 384
food pathogens, 386–7
glucose dehydrogenase-based screen-printed biosensors, 379, 382
lactate, 382–4
miscellaneous proteins, peptides and amino acids, 385–6
nucleic acids and purines, 386
pharmaceutical and medical, 376–9
viruses, 387
environmental applications of screen-printed electrodes, 388–99
aflatoxins, 398
antibiotics, 398–9
food, 396–8
metal ion detection biosensors, 394–5
nitrates and nitrites, 389
pesticides and chemical warfare agents, 389–92
phosphate, 388
polyaromatic hydrocarbons, 393–4
polychlorinated biphenyls, 392–3
stripping voltammetry immunoassay, 395–6
whole cell photosynthetic pesticide biosensors, 392
overview, 366–76
biosensor definition, 368
electrochemical techniques, 370–5
experimental considerations, 368–70
history, 375–6
typical screen-printed electrode, 367
printed thick-film capacitive sensors, 193–217
capacitive sensing based on geometrical variations, 198–203
capacitive stain gauge with strain applied along the length, 203
normalised capacitance, sensitivity and nonlinearity, 199
normalised capacitance vs applied pressure for deformable diaphragm sensor, 200
sensing relying on changes of area, 202
sensing relying on changes of distance, 198–202
sensing relying on deformation, 202–3
three-electrode configuration for capacitive pressure sensor, 201
capacitive sensing based on permittivity variations, 203–4
three-medium model for IDT capacitor after Endres and Drost, 204
configurations and technologies, 195–8
capacitive sensors configurations, 196
devices and their applications, 205–16
capacitive absolute pressure sensor with contactless readout, 210
capacitive pressure sensor with improved linearity, 206
capacitive strain sensors configurations, 211
ceramic capacitive pressure sensor after Sippola and Ahn, 209
ceramic capacitive rain sensor, 214
Endress+Hauser ceramic capacitive pressure sensors, 207
Kavlico ceramic capacitive pressure sensor, 208
measured output signal vs time of capacitive sensor system, 216
screen-printed capacitive sensor embedded with microfluidic device, 215
thick-film capacitive differential pressure sensor cross-section, 205
thick-film capacitive humidity sensor structure, 213
future trends, 216–17
general concepts, 194–5
printed thick-film heater
designs, 438–54
ceramic, 441–4
glass substrates, 440–1
polymer, 438–40
stainless steel, 444–54
elements, 429–66
fabrication materials, 430–8
substrates, 430–4
tracks, 434–8
sensor and actuator applications, 455–66
printed thick-film resistors
conduction mechanisms, 112–30
current understanding, 114–30
future trends, 130
printed thick-film sensors
piezoelectric and pyroelectric sensors, 221–52
basic theory and relationships of the piezoelectric effect, 226–8
crystallography point groups and material properties, 224
ferroelectrics and hysteresis loop poling, 225
future trends, 251–2
low-curing temperature PZT films deposited by screen printing on silicon MEMS cantilever, 231
piezoelectric sensors, 231–43
piezoelectricity, pyroelectricity and ferroelectricity, 222–6
pyroelectric sensors, 243–51
PZT thick-films vs ceramic counterparts, 230
thick-films based on ferroelectric inorganic compounds, 228–31
printed varistors, 496–522
action, 497–501
current density J vs. the applied field F, 497
high currents, 498–501
nonlinear, switching region, 498
pre-switching or pre-breakdown, 498
ceramic ZnO-based composition, preparation and microstructure, 502–3
multilayer, 504–5
printing process in fabrication, 503–4
screen-printed and fired thick-film, 506–7
planar configuration preparation, 506
ZnO-based prepared by screen printing and tape casting, 510–21
ZnO-based thick-films and tape-casted development, 507–10
printing techniques, 554–5
different layers and method selection, 556–7
polymer solar cells categorised to dimentionality and mode of image formation, 555
suitability, 555–6
processing–properties–microstructure interrelationship, 420–4
defects and damage, 421–2
grain size, 422–4
porosity, 421
second phases, 421
ProcessOne, 556, 558
proportional exhaust oxygen sensor, 357–8
planar, 358
proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEM-FC), 470, 472
pseudocapacitors See ultracapacitors
pulse trimming, 97
pyroelectric sensors, 243–51
basic theory and relationships of the pyroelectric effect, 243–5
simplified representation under short-circuit conditions, 244
examples of devices and applications, 245–51
characterisation of the pyroelectric sensor array, 249
contactless pyroelectic linear displacement sensor, 247
pyroelectric array with 8 × 8 pixels for LED spot position biaxial measurement, 248
pyroelectric elements on alumina used for thermal energy harvesting, 250
pyroelectric four-quadrant detector, 246
pyroelectricity, 223, 243


radiant sensors, 184–5
random-void model, 118, 119
redox reaction, 279
reel-to-reel systems, 19–24
flexography, 23–4
R2R flexographic printing process, 23
ink transfer unit of R2R gravure printing process, 20
offset lithography, 21–3
printing process, 22
rotogravure, 19–21
reference electrodes, 368–9
region III See high current region
relaxors, 106–7
remanent polarisation, 226
resistive temperature detectors (RTD), 99, 168–9
resonant piezo-layer (ROL) sensor, 240
Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHSH), 251
rheology, 298–301
R2R techniques, 554, 559–60
characterisation of R2R-coated photovoltaics, 561
graph of efficiency, 562
ruthenium dioxide (RuO2), 65
ruthenium oxide RTD, 173
ruthenium pyrochlores, 73


3S-rule, 279–80
sacrificial volume material (SVM), 149, 197
Salmonella, 386–7
Schottky barrier, 283, 286, 289
screen-printed biosensors
cobalt phthalocyanine determination of hydrogen peroxide, 377–9
analytical signal sequence of reactions in GOX based glucose biosensor, 378
screen-printed eight-electrode array, 398
screen-printed films, 508–9
surfaces of thick-films that have been fired to remove organic additives, 509
screen-printed glucose biosensors, 376–7
recent report summary, 380–1
screen-printed gold electrode (SPGE), 387
screen-printed piezoelectric films, 268
screen-printed varistors, 506–7
screen-printing, 281–2, 366, 510–21
deposition, 281
method, 146
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC) fabrication, 469–92
electrodes, 476–82
electrolytes, 472–5
fuel cells (FC), 469–71
future trends, 492
micro single-chamber, 488–92
single-chamber, 482–8
technology, 298–301
process yielding thick film for gas sensing devices starting engineered nanopowders, 301
processing parameters, 300
secondary pyroelectric effect, 243
Seebeck coefficients, 172–3
selective laser sintering (SLS), 24
semi-continuum approach, 118
sequential multilayer technology, 5
serigraphy, 4 See also silk-printing technologies
shape memory alloy, 416–17
sheet resistance, 90
silicon MEMS, 260–70
mechanical sensors, 265–70
circular thick-film PZT accelerometer, 269
micromachined thick-film PZT accelerometer, 266
micromachining for thick-film PZT accelerometer, 267
micropump with printed thick film piezoelectric actuation, 265
micromachining, 261–3
process consideration, 263–5
silk-printing technologies, 8–13
Fodel process illustration, 12
screen printing process, 9
silver, 75, 101
silver (electrolytic) migration, 101
single-chamber solid oxide fuel cells, 482–8
electrical performances improvement, 486
influence of cathode material on electrical conductivity, 487
influence of operating temperature on power density, 488
laboratory prototype with LSM cathode, Ni-YSZ anode and gold grids, 485
LSCF-CGO cathode deposited by screen-printing on CGO electrolyte, 487
oscillations on the open circuit voltage (OCV) time dependence, 486
set-up and two sides of a YSZ pellet with LSM cathode and Ni-YSZ anode, 482
three types of geometries for single-chamber SOFC, 483
sintering, 80, 148
sintering aid, 81, 138
size effect, 95
Smart Pump, 13
soft PZT, 228
sol-gel synthesis, 293–5
MoOx-SnO2 powders, 294–5
route via inorganic salt and metaloorganic compound, 293–4
SnO2 powders, 294–5
sol-gel synthesis via Sn(II)-alkoxide for NO2 monitoring, 295
tin dioxide (SnO2)
solid solutions, 295
titanium dioxide (TiO2), 295
vs. hydrothermal synthesis, 297–8
ZnO powders, 295
gas sensors via sol-gel route, 296
solid electrolyte, 336–8
amperometric sensors, 356–60
future trends, 361–2
NOx sensing device, 360–1
potentiometric sensors, 338
printed gas sensors, 335–62
thermodynamically controlled sensors, 338–51
thermodynamics and kinetics controlled sensors, 352–6
equilibrium electrode, 353
mixed potential electrode, 353–6
oxygen electrode, 352–3
solid electrolyte/mobile ions, 337–8
solid oxide fuel cells (SOFC)
electrodes, 476–82
electrolytes, 472–5
fuel cells (FC), 469–71
future trends, 492
micro single-chamber, 488–92
screen printing, 469–92
single-chamber, 482–8
spincoating, 555
stainless steel heater, 444–54
Staphylococcus, 386
stripping voltammetry, 373–4, 395–6
substrates, 49–51, 430–4, 557
ceramic material property data, 432
surface temperature in dependence on applied power, 431
temperature in homogeneity along different ceramic heater plates, 431
SunCeram II, 185
super GF factors, 178
supercapacitors See ultracapacitors
surface-micromachined ceramics, 270–2
capacitive pressure sensor, 271
surface micromachining, 261–2
surface-mount technology (SMT), 503
surface-mounted monolayer varistors (SMV), 504
surfactants, 47
switching region, 498


tape-casted varistors
progress and development, 507–10
screen-printed films, 508–9
tape casting, 508
three batches of powder, 507
tape casting, 508, 510–21
TCR drivers, 39
TCR modifiers, 39
Teflon, 144
temperature coefficient of resistance (TCR), 90, 168, 434–5
temperature humidity bias (THB) test, 102
temperature sensors, 168–74
low-temperature, cryogenic sensors, 173–4
negative temperature coefficient thermistors, 171–2
positive temperature coefficient thermistors, 169–70
resistive temperature detectors, 168–9
ruthenate conductive phase in thick-film resistors, 170
sensor design of a thick-film flow sensor for biological microsystems, 173
thermocouples, 172–3
themocrompression, 148
Thermafilm, 169
thermal spray technology, 25
thermocouples, 172–3
thermodynamic equilibrium, 342
thermodynamically controlled sensors, 338–51
electrochemical potential properties at thermodynamic equilibrium, 339–41
type I sensors, 341–6
type II sensors, 346–7
type III sensors, 347–52
thick-film actuator
heater applications, 455–66
airbag initiator element, 459–60
humidity sensor, 457–9
influence of beam width on power consumption, 456
thick-film compositions
properties as electrical components on ceramic substrates, 90–108
conductors, 99–105
dielectrics, 106–8
thick-film resistors, 91–9
thick-film printing process
multilayer low-temperature co-fired ceramic systems, 134–57
applications, 150–6
compositions, 136–41
future trends, 157
manufacturing methods, 141–50
thick-film resistors (TFRs), 91–9
laser trimming, 97
long time stability – ageing, 97–9
relative change of resistance of DuPont 1441 resistor, 98
sheet resistance, 91–3, 92
size effect, 95–6
temperature coefficient of resistance, 93–5
temperature dependence of resistance, 94
trimming, 96–7
thick-film sensor
heater applications, 455–66
airbag initiator element, 459–60
humidity, 457–9
influence of beam width on power consumption, 456
thick-film technology, 4, 282
tin dioxide (SnO2), 44, 279
based materials, 303–7
arrhenius plot for conductance, 304
calcined powder, 305
Pd/SnO2 film, 306
responses to CO and CH4 for pure films loaded with Pd and Au, 306
powder synthesis, 294–5
solid solution synthesis, 295
titanium dioxide (TiO2)
based materials, 307–11
Arrhenius plot for conductance, 310, 313
crystallite size of (Sn, Ti)-solid solution powders vs. Ti molar ratio, 312
HY-titania thick-film, 308
solid solution synthesis, 295
triaxial MEMS accelerometer, 269
true pyroelectric coefficient, 243
tubular heater, 448–54
tungsten trioxide (WO3)
based materials, 311, 314
Arrhenius plot for conductance, 315
control of grain growth by the addition of Sn in the lattice, 316
(Sn, W)O3 increased the ability of mixed oxide to detect oxidising gases, 316
powder synthesis, 292
tunneling, 288–9
tunnelling decay length, 129
tunnelling-percolation model, 117, 119
type I sensors, 341–6
principle, 341–3
potentiometric zirconia-based oxygen sensor, 341
type II sensors, 346–7
type IIIa sensors
structure of tubular NOx type, 347
type IIIb sensors, 351
type IIIc sensors, 351


ultracapacitors, 534–7
micrograph of ultracapacitor and SEM detail of laser micromachined groove, 536
uniaxial lamination, 148


vaporisable solid, 47
varistors, 140, 141
vehicle See deposition medium
vias, 145
vitreous enamel resistance, 105


water-based printing vehicles, 47
water-drop (WD) tests, 102
whole cell photosynthetic pesticide biosensors, 392
working electrodes, 369–70


yttria-stabilised zirconia (YSZ), 471, 472, 474–5, 477, 478–9


zero shrinkage systems, 141
zinc oxide (ZnO)
based materials, 314, 317
fired thick-film, 318
powder synthesis, 295
ZnO-based ceramic varistors, 496, 497
composition, preparation and microstructure, 502–3
progress and development, 507–10
characterisation, 510
electrical properties measurement, 510
screen printing and tape casting characterisation, 510–21
electrical parameters comparison, 519
equilibrium of Bi2O3 in vapour and liquid phase in the film, 519
J-V characteristics measured in screen-printed varistors, 515
J-V characteristics measured in tape-casted varistors, 516
J-V curves, 520
microstructures comparison of tape casted layers, 521
nonlinear behaviour comparison, 520
nonlinear coefficient α of powders 1 and 2 fired at different peak temperature, 511
nonlinear coefficient α of three powders fired at different dwell times, 511
nonlinear coefficient α of three powders fired at different peak temperature, 511
platinum-based ink printed on sintered varistor layers, 518
quasi liquid-vapour equilibrium, 517
samples fired in a ‘closed’ space with Bi2O3 powder, 518
screen-printed thick-film vs. bulk varistor microstructure, 513
tape-casted layer, 513
tape casted vs. bulk varistor microstructure comparison, 515
thick-film varistors, 512
two types based microstructure comparison, 514
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