Combining textures in real time through the GUI

The customization of avatars usually includes the selection of one or more textures that define its looks. In this recipe, we will implement a GUI that allows the player to create their avatar by combining two texture channels.

Getting ready

The 3D object and image files needed for this recipe are included in the selectTexture package, available inside the 0423_03_07 folder.

How to do it...

To overlay textures, follow these steps:

  1. Import the Unity package named selectTexture into your project.
  2. Open the level named selTextScene.
  3. Let's create our base material: in the Project view, use the drop down menu to create a new material. Name it selectableMaterial.
  4. Change the Shader option of the selectableMaterial material to Decal. Then, apply the texture map named face1 as the Base map and prop1 as the Decal map, as shown in the following screenshot:
    How to do it...
  5. Apply the material to the Avatar game object. You can do this by dragging the material from the Project view into the game object's name in the Hierarchy view.
  6. In the Project view, create a new C# script and rename it SelectTexture.
  7. Open SelectTexture in your script editor and replace everything with the following code:
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SelectTexture : MonoBehaviour
        public Texture2D[] faces;
        public Texture2D[] props;
        void OnGUI()
            for (int i = 0; i < faces.Length; i++)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(0, i * 64, 128, 64), faces[i]))
                    ChangeMaterial("faces", i);
            for (int j = 0; j < props.Length; j++)
                if (GUI.Button(new Rect(128, j * 64, 128, 64), props[j]))
                    ChangeMaterial("props", j);
        void ChangeMaterial(string category, int index)
            if (category == "faces")
                renderer.material.mainTexture = faces[index];
            if (category == "props")
                renderer.material.SetTexture("_DecalTex", props[index]);
  8. Save your script and apply it to Avatar game object.
  9. In the Inspector view, change the Size value of both Faces and Props to 2.
  10. Set Element 0 and Element 1 of Faces to face1 and face2 respectively. Do the same for Element 0 and Element 1 of Props (changing it to prop1 and prop2 instead):
    How to do it...
  11. Play the scene. You will be able to select your texture combination by clicking on the appropriate buttons:
    How to do it...

How it works...

The script allows the user to create two collections of textures: one for the Base map (named Faces) and another one for the Decal map (named Props). When the scene is played, the textures are displayed inside GUI buttons which can be used to change the texture in the Avatar game object's material by calling the ChangeMaterial function. This function will receive, as parameters, both the category (either Face or Prop) and index of the image, assigning the correspondent texture map to the appropriate texture channel.

There's more...

This recipe could be easily adapted to change other parameters of different material shaders. Check Unity's online documentation to learn about other texture names at Also, you might want to learn more about shaders by exploring the built-in shaders' source available at

See also

  • The Creating a color selection dialog recipe.
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