Spreading long computations over several frames with coroutines

Coroutines allow us to write asynchronous code—we can ask a method to go off and calculate something, but the rest of the game can keep on running without having to wait for that calculation to end. Or we can call a coroutine method for each frame from Update()and organize the method to complete part of a complex calculation each time it is called. When games start requiring complex computations, such as for artificial intelligence reasoning, it may not be possible to maintain acceptable game performance when trying to complete all calculations in a single frame; this is where coroutines can be an excellent solution.

This recipe illustrates how a complex calculation can be structured into several pieces, each to be completed one frame at a time.


An excellent description of coroutines (and other Unity topics) can be found on Ray Pendergraph's wikidot website at http://raypendergraph.wikidot.com/unity-developer-s-notes#toc6.

How to do it...

To spread computations over several frames, perform the following steps:

  1. Add the following script class SegmentedCalculation.cs in the Main Camera:
    // file: SegmentedCalculation.cs
    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class SegmentedCalculation : MonoBehaviour {
      private const int ARRAY_SIZE = 50;
      private const int SEGMENT_SIZE = 10;
      private int[] randomNumbers;
      private void Awake(){
        randomNumbers = new int[ARRAY_SIZE];
        for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
          randomNumbers[i] = Random.Range(0, 1000);
        StartCoroutine( FindMinMax() );
      private IEnumerator FindMinMax() {
        int min = 9999;
        int max = -1;
        for(int i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE; i++){
          if( i % SEGMENT_SIZE == 0){
            print("frame: " + Time.frameCount + ", i:" + i + ", min:" + min + ", max:" + max);
            // suspend for 1 frame since we've completed another segment
            yield return null;
          if( randomNumbers[i] > max){
            max = randomNumbers[i];
          } else if( randomNumbers[i] < min){
            min = randomNumbers[i];
        // disable this scripted component
        print("** completed - disabling scripted component");
        enabled = false;
  2. When you run the scene, you should see something similar to the following:
    frame:  1, i:0, min:9999, max:-1
    frame:  2, i:10, min:30, max:793
    frame:  3, i:20, min:30, max:892
    frame:  4, i:30, min:4, max:892
    frame:  5, i:40, min:4, max:905
    ** completed - disabling scripted component

How it works...

An array called randomNumbers of random integers is created in Awake(). Then the FindMinMax() method is started as a coroutine. The size of the array is defined by the ARRAY_SIZE constant, and the number of elements to process each frame by SEGMENT_SIZE.

The FindMinMax() method sets initial values for min and max and begins to loop through the array. If the current index is divisible by the SEGMENT_SIZE (remainder 0), then we make the method display the current frame number and variable values, and suspend execution for one frame with a yield null statement. For each loop, the value for the current array index is compared with min and max, and those values are updated if a new minimum or maximum has been found. When the loop is completed, the scripted component disables itself.

There's more...

The following are some details you don't want to miss:

Retrieving the complete Unity log text files from your system

As well as seeing log texts in the Console panel, you can also access the Unity editor log text file as follows:

  • Mac: ~/Library/Logs/Unity/Editor.log
  • Windows: C:UsersusernameAppDataLocalUnityEditorEditor.log

For more information about Unity logfiles, see the online manual at http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/Manual/LogFiles.html.

See also

  • The Executing methods regularly but independent of frame rate with coroutines recipe
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