Adding a snip toolbar button

Now that we have a draggable window and non-draggable menu buttons, let's add a button so that we can take a screenshot:

  1. Update the App.js code and append a new button component with the icon value of camera and with the text Snip, as shown in the following example:
<Navbar.Group align={Alignment.LEFT}>
<Navbar.Heading>Electron Snip</Navbar.Heading>
<Navbar.Divider />
<Button className="bp3-minimal" icon="settings"
text="Settings" />
<Button className="bp3-minimal" icon="help" text="About" />
<Button className="bp3-minimal" icon="camera"

  1. We also need to add an onSnipClick function stub. This is going to handle our Snip button clicks.
  2. For now, let's create a simple console.log call to ensure that the handler works at runtime. We are going to get back to the real implementation shortly:
      const onSnipClick = () => {
console.log('todo: making screenshot');
  1. The complete implementation of the App.js file should now look as follows:
      import React from 'react';
import './App.css';
import { Navbar, Button, Alignment, Icon } from '@blueprintjs/core';

function App() {
const onSnipClick = () => {
console.log('todo: making screenshot');

return (
<div className="App">
<Navbar.Group align={Alignment.LEFT}>
<Navbar.Heading>Electron Snip</Navbar.Heading>
<Navbar.Divider />
<Button className="bp3-minimal" icon="settings"
text="Settings" />
<Button className="bp3-minimal" icon="help" text="About" />

<main className="App-main">
<Icon icon="camera" iconSize={100} />
<p>Electron Snip</p>

export default App;

Now, we are going to focus on the onSnipClick function's implementation.

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