Creating a Firebase application

In this section, we are going to register a web application. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Click the corresponding button on the screen to get to the Create an application dialog:

  1. Next, you need to provide an application nickname. Enter electron-client as the nickname:

The app nickname will be used throughout the Firebase console to represent this app. Nicknames aren't visible to users.
  1. It is also possible to set up Firebase Hosting for your application. Leave the value unchecked for now. Click the Register app button.
  1. Now, you will be presented with an HTML snippet that you will need in order to set up a brand new web application with your Firebase project. It should look similar to the one shown in the following screenshot:

This code contains all the values that are relevant to your current project. Please note that all the keys and identifiers may be different for you.

You can copy this code and save it somewhere in case you need it later. Alternatively, there's is a section in the project settings where you can retrieve this block again.
  1. Click the Continue to console button to finish setting up the application.

Now, let's quickly set up the Angular Material libraries.

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