Verifying real-time user statistics

In this section, we are going to verify that our real-time user statistics are getting updated on the fly. Follow these steps to do so:

  1. Shut down your Electron application and wait for about a minute. It may take some time for these changes to be propagated. Sometimes, you need to wait for a minute, but sometimes waiting a few seconds will be enough. Be patient and give the backend server time to organize the data.
  2. Switch back to the Analytics tab and reload the page. You should see the updated data. In our case, the Real-time users chart shows zero, as shown in the following screenshot:

This makes perfect sense as we have just unloaded the application. Note, however, that our session is still present in other charts:

  • 24h users: 1
  • 24h new users: 1
  • 24h sessions: 1

Now, you can track real-time usage of your Electron application. However, there may be cases when your users are offline or have no internet connectivity. In the next section, we are going to provide support for offline mode.

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